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Killing deathclaw on survival mode in seconds - can't find the reason


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Hello everyone,

Like the title says I am trying to figure out what is causing me to be able to kill a deathclaw in mere seconds on survival mode. I would say I have a relatively lightly modded game.

Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
More Power Armour Mods.esp
Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp
Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul.esp
Dialogue Camera Sensitivity.esp
Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
No Aggro Impact Landing.esp
Binary Speech Checks V.4.esp
Swinging Meat Bags.esp
True Nights v03.esp
LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
Lots More Facial Hair.esp
Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp
Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp
Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp
Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp
Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp
Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp
Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
Craftable Armor Size.esp
Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp
Armorsmith Extended.esp
Tactical Flashlights.esp
Tactical Flashlights - Settings.esp
Eli Armor Compendium AE Patch.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp

Is there anyone here who can locate why judging from my load order? Because after googling I am finding people who struggles with that deathclaw on survival and I killed it before it got up from the ground. I had some difficulty adjustments before, but I removed them and started a new game.


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looking at your mods none of them stand out as the potential cause (their are a few i dont recognize however), we would need to know more about your game.


do you have any armor penetration, such as mods/weapon upgrades. what level are you, what is the name of the deathclaw (as in, is it a standard deathclaw ? alpha ? Savage ?, Chameleon etc etc)


what weapon(s) are you using as well. and what perks do you have, as their are perks that grant armor penetration, so yea their are many possible factors here


deathclaws simply have very high damage resistance, but not much health (that was the case in fallout new vegas atleast, possibly fallout 3 as well). so armor penetration will destroy them very quick.


also survival just like every other difficulty is just damage modifiers. you do less damage, enemies do more damage, simple but effective, but also lazy imo


so surivival would probably be like you do 0.25x damage to enemies. so your weapon would have to be extremely powerful to kill a deathclaw in seconds. or you have a mod that grants complete armor penetration (which could either be a weapon upgrade or perk, or as part of the weapon itself.)


i notice you have the newcalibers mod, so it could be possible that 1 of the new ammo types might have armor penetration, their are also weapon upgrades that make rounds do less damage but ignore some percentage of armor, so you could have that. so imagine a deathclaw has 100 health but 600 damage resistance, if your gun/rounds completely penetrate armor, and your weapon only does like 20 base damage, it would not take long at all to kill that deathclaw since you would only need to do 100 points of damage.


i have never used that mod however, so just speculating here.

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Hey, and thanks for the response!

The only mod I have that adds/adjust anything to my game is the Weaponsmith Extended. I am level 5 I think with no perks that add any damage, and the deathclaw in question is the first one in concord. I am using the minigun.

Can weaponsmith really make the minigun that more powerful? I am trying to find anything online, but no luck. Guess I just have to try to deactivate the mod when I get home. The thought just didn't strike me as the amount of damage I did was just ridicilous.

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only if weaponsmith adds armor penetration, or greatly increases damage for the minigun. you can check, the minigun vanilla base damage without upgrades is 8 damage.


also it seems they changed deathclaw attributes in fallout 4 as opposed to fallout new vegas.


in new vegas deathclaws had extremely high damage resistance but fairly low health, in fallout 4 however they have very high health but fairly low ballistic damage resistance in comparison (still pretty high but nothing like new vegas deathclaws).


so not really sure.


also weaponsmith seems to only add weapons, not sure if it modifies base game weapons, but i was referring to new callibers anyway, so it depends if that mod changes the minigun ammo.


Basic Deathclaw (bare in mind this for the lowest level wild encounter deathclaw, the concord deathclaw might use special attributes to make so the player cannot fail the quest, so it may be weaker then a wild varient, could of course be wrong on this):


290 HP

100 Damage resistance


so with a 0.25x damage multiplier, it should take you a very long time to kill that deathclaw. so i honestly dont know why you can kill it so fast. but i would check what damage your minigun is doing. i will say however that blowing up cars in close proximity to that deathclaw will do a decent chunk of damage, as i believe exploding cars do the same damage as a fatman missile (which would be something like 400 damage) and exploding cars damage would not be based on your game difficulty, so they would always do a flat amount of damage regardless of what game difficulty you was on, atleast thats why i believe.


increasing the game difficulty mainly only does 2 things, damage multiplers (the damage you do vs the damage enemies do to you), and increases the chance of legendary enemies appearing.

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Weaponsmith does change the minigun so its not a worthless hunk of metal, believe it increases the damage and accuracy of the gun. However in all honesty that deathclaw in concord is a joke, I've punched in out in PA on an unmodded survival playthrough. If you can maybe try spawning another deathclaw and see if it is as easy to kill.

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Weaponsmith does change the minigun so its not a worthless hunk of metal, believe it increases the damage and accuracy of the gun. However in all honesty that deathclaw in concord is a joke, I've punched in out in PA on an unmodded survival playthrough. If you can maybe try spawning another deathclaw and see if it is as easy to kill.

Yeah I just saw this. Been a while since I played Fallout so didn't remember the base damage. Just tried to take him down with the 10mm and that took a lot of shots. But is the minigun just as powerful towards other enemies in the game? I haven't played that much now, but at the moment the minigun looks like it can take down anything in a heartbeat. Maybe this changes later when I do not have any perks in heavygunner and I reach higher levels?

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I have the issue as well.


Some mole rats are harder to kill.


Vampiric Bloodbugs are the hardest things to kill in my game & the thing that kills me the most.


I get around it by using a spawning mod that adds to vanilla spawns. In my game I have 3 to 4 Deathclaws roaming around in packs. I will always get the first one if I see it. It is usually the third one that kills me.



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