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Armour Rigging?

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Well what do you know, that worked. The only issue I have now is that the skeleton has lost it's structure and all the bones are pointing to one side. You don't suppose redoing the parenting and such would screw everything up, do you?
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Could the fact that the structure isn't connected CAUSE the result to be screwed up? Because everything deforms just fine in Blender, but is a complete mess in the Creation Kit:



Alternatively, are we sure that the export settings in that tutorial are right?



Or could there be some other cause?


(Here's one of the NIFs if someone wants to examine the structure, by the way: https://rapidshare.com/files/411022436/SlayerBoots.nif)

Edited by McMutton
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I used those export settings and it worked for me. Try copying over the exported armor into an existing armor with Nifskope, that might fix any skeleton deformation.
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Could the fact that the structure isn't connected CAUSE the result to be screwed up?


Or could there be some other cause?


I think unlikely. The hierarchy is certainly irreverent to skinning. And the bones as exported in this instance are just nodes for the skin weights. you can mess with their transforms in scene and I am pretty sure it won't matter. If it is anything then it's that, ie the bone transforms being off. Though I am not convinced that is the issue.


One thing that strikes me is that nif does not carry the _1 or _0 suffix. So it could be a morphing issue and not the skinning.

Edited by Ghogiel
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