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Vortex refusing to manage my FNV?


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Just installed vortex, trying to manage FNV, but I'm getting a notice that I'm missing my fallout new vegas/exes/data destination. And that has me understandably confused, because I'm playing the game just fine, right now, but with NMM (thought I'd test it, since, ideally, if anything crucial WERE missing, the game wouldn't run at all, right?). Which is a problem, because as many here know, New California just came out, and apparently doesn't support NMM now. At least, not according to the readme file.


I'm at a loss, and I've done my due diligence via google. But I'm coming up empty here...?

If anyone could explain this, or walk me through fixing this, I'd be pretty grateful.

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Following that brings up a manual search. I'm honestly not sure what to target with it.

Used to know this stuff, but it's been a long vacation, shall we say. ^^'


I did, however, have it scan for installed games at some point. I thought it strange that it didn't think I had any of them installed. :/

It discovered Fallout New Vegas and fallout 4. I clicked to manage new vegas, and it moved it to the managed section.

And then keeps telling me that it can't for the aformentioned reason. It is also failing to set the game mode.

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Well, looking at my setup, Vortex says my FONV is in D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\


My Install Directory (Meaning the MODS install directory or Mod Staging Folder) in the SETTINGS---->MODS-----> is D:\Games\Game Mods\Falloutnv\mods

and my Download folder is D:\Games|Vortex Downloads\


Did you set any of these folders in the interface?

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It didn't prompt, so, I'm pretty sure I didn't.

To clarify, yes, it found my FNV and it found my fallout 4. It did a search of my drives, I believe.


Search directories were C: and D:

But yes, I'm more organized than that. My assumption is that's its default go-to.


Other than that, nothing. Whole lot of nothing showing up over here.
I'll send a few picture images of what I was able to locate, maybe that can help clarify the nature of the beast.

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Well, make a download fodler, it has to be empty, because Vortex is going to add subfolders to it for each game it's managing








etc, etc


For your mods folder, you want this on the same drive as your games so you can pick "Hardlink deployment"


So you could make a folder like


D:\Vortex Mods\ and whatever game you're currently managing with Vortex, Vortex will create the subfolder D:\Vortex Mods\Fallout3\Mods

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So if I'm reading into this correctly, what you're saying is, there's some preliminary legwork (folders I make, etc) that vortex needs before it can figure this bit out? (also I'm sorry in advance but I've gotta sleep pretty soon - my fault for doing this so late at night. Still, thank you immensely for taking the time at such an hour - in the event that I don't reply, it won't be for lack of attention. The eyes are closin' m8, but if that does occur, I'll be sure to thank ya tomorrow for anything you do reply. Not a fan of dead-air here)


Tempted to try a fresh install of FNV and to roll from there...

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So if I'm reading into this correctly, what you're saying is, there's some preliminary legwork (folders I make, etc) that vortex needs before it can figure this bit out? (also I'm sorry in advance but I've gotta sleep pretty soon - my fault for doing this so late at night. Still, thank you immensely for taking the time at such an hour - in the event that I don't reply, it won't be for lack of attention. The eyes are closin' m8, but if that does occur, I'll be sure to thank ya tomorrow for anything you do reply. Not a fan of dead-air here)


Tempted to try a fresh install of FNV and to roll from there...


First of all WHY does that path have an "exes" folder?


The path should be Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\


There should be no Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Exes\Data\

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Back, and working on it! (sorry, power outage. Gotta love winter storms, right? -_-)

Okay, so, wanna hear something really, really weird? I just tried it again after that hiatus and it worked just fine.

Bug? I'm going to see if there are any further issues and get back to you. Thank you for your insights though!

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