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Having a nightmare of a time with MCM, Darnified,& Project Nevada [ New Vegas ]


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Alright so, all the mods seemingly install fine on the Vortex however upon launching the game it keeps telling me that Project Nevada has missing HUD extensions and Darnified also is missing extentsions that MCM has errors might need to be reinstalled.


I remember this wasn't so difficult before it just simply installing them in the right order and overwriting, but i notice this never asks me to over write anything just load before or after then i get caught in the cycles and this whole thing is just really confusing.


Does anyone know the proper order and settings to get this all working together properly in Vortex? I'd go back to NMM but according to what I've read Vortex can handle big mods without issue I remember NMM would crash with big mods like TTW or New California for example.


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Yes, it was just as difficult to install with NMM as it is now.
UI mods were always difficult.


First Make sure that you aren't going to add stuff to the interface later, and will keep it "AS-IS" after you get it installed, I'm speaking from experience, as the one thing I dread about reinstalling Fallout 3, FONV etc is getting all of the Interface Modsw to work toegther because they all overwrite each other in some way or another.

When I installed with NMM I had to manually edit all my Interface Xmls to get them to work together.


First off, Uninstall Project Nevada and Darnified and MCM


Then install NVSE, it's required.

Then, install User Interface Organizer - https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/57174


That will automatically change your FalloutNV.ini file with the Fonts for Darns etc, and it will merge "on-the-fly" your UI mods.

It won't work without NVSE


Next, install DarnUI

Then MCM

Then Project Nevada (Although, doesn't Project Nevada already have MCM built in?)


Start the game, UIO should kick in and get the three mods working together. you'll probably also have to specify which mods load BEFORE or AFTER each other.


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Yes I'm beginning to get the hang of the load before and after stuff and I see why Vortex would be a better mod organizer it just has a learning curve.


I'll try what you said and If no one has replied again I'll edit this post to let you know the results.

UPDATE: Thank you so much, the order of things you suggested has solved all my problems. Once again Thank you!

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