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I use the bastardised IE that is the AOL browser.  It's not exactly brilliant, but I don't really do much web browsing.  Too many games to play. :lol:



I feel, so, dirty, for even know that AOL is posting something I'm reading on Opera.



*go takes shower*

Hey, don't dis the AOL. Look at all the positive things that can be said about them:


It's easy to set up.





*walks away*



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I'm using AOL 1MBit at home. No qualms what-so-ever.


I run AOL off my internet server so don't even see it - hooked up through WinProxy (transparent NAT proxy - yeah baby) and it works like a charm. Not only do I not ever see AOL but I also have all the added features of having several firewalls between me and the outside world (as well as a proxy)...good defense really.


Download rate of 118kbps - can't complain

CS game ping of 25 on avg. - can't complain


Therefore, AOL > Most other ISPs :)


As for my browser, IE6 but sometimes Opera 7 when some features don't work. I prefer IE just out of habit.

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*points at Dark0ne*




*hides behind a grim and frostbitten white colored spoon*


im with the infernal IE6, i was once an AOL user, and it was abysmal i tells yah, getting logged off every 20 minutes, crap download speeds, couldnt close their bloody browser without dissconnecting, it was pure crap.




always gives me a laugh...providing the site is still up

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im with the infernal IE6, i was once an AOL user, and it was abysmal i tells yah, getting logged off every 20 minutes, crap download speeds, couldnt close their bloody browser without dissconnecting, it was pure crap.

I have to say that, whilst there is nothing particularly outstanding about AOL as an ISP, there's nothing particularly bad either. I haven't experienced any of the above problems except for disconnecting when you close the browser. However, on broadband at least, there is a way of completely bypassing the browser by using the modem software to connect. Of course, I'm in the UK, so things may be different elsewhere.

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