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Nexus website text issues.


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I don't know about that plays games and other things no problem but not gonna rule it out I thinks it's probably software related but just to be on the safe side I'll change the thermal paste on my GPU see if that helps, if not i'll take my GPU to a friend who's more tech savvy and have them look it over see if anything failing. On the software related side I do run on windows 10 and do update chrome regularly so i'll try incognito chrome if that doesn't help I don't know then.

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Think I just figured out what the cause was for me anyway under Google Chrome > Settings > Advanced > System : Use hardware acceleration when available = ON turned it OFF and then the issues with nexus mods website disappeared gonna a continue to stress test see if any issues pop up on other sites as a result but so far problem solved.

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I am using Chrome now and I haven't touched the settings. I just checked and the hardware acceleration on my end is ON. As I said, I have had no problems with the site, even though my Chrome can't be updated.

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M48A5 I don't know what your point is because every household PC can have any number of variable difference's where one problem might affect mine another might not which someone else is facing even with the same hardware but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna check my GPU over it just means that this solved my problem for now. It could be that another program was interfering with google hardware acceleration or not, like I said It was only happening for me on Nexus site but then again it's not exactly as if browse a large number of other websites to see if it was affecting other websites.

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Hold On I didn't ask for them to deal with it on there own I posted it in the forms looking for assistance in trying figure out a potential solution to the problem that faced me I mean after all if weren't for the countless number of hardware or software problems that people have faced in any number off different situations being posted and solved in forms like this. Think about the amount of time that others would waste if no one willing to assist them even though they already have the solution. So no I think I was right when I came here to discuss/ seek assistance so that if any one else encountered a similar problem they could quickly and easily find a potential solution.

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