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Well, this is my newest (and so far - favourite character). She has done... well... absolutely nothing, I suppose. I think she finished a few small side quests but other than that I've just been exploring with her. Since she's new she doesn't have much of a story as of yet... I might put up a longer story for fun or I might forget. I kind of took her personality from Houtarou Oreki from Hyouka. :P


I prefer to think she has absolutely no connection with the Dragonborn as well.


Name: Sylvia

Race: Lunari (since it's so easy to make a pretty character with them! :biggrin:)

Specialization: Archery


Short Description: A lazy wanderer and, when she's in need of gold for whatever reason, a reluctant (yet efficient) mercenary - Sylvia lives life at her own pace, preferring the company of the countryside and its sights to the loud and foul-smelling atmosphere of the local tavern/inn. Although she rarely ever goes out of her way to help or hinder others, if she sees a problem that could be easily solved by an arrow then that's where the arrow will go.


"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."



http://i.imgur.com/xNE3W33.jpg(She completely and utterly missed this shot - the elk teleported across the stream before the arrow hit. She went hungry that day and vowed to never speak of it again.)

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Hannah, the Nordic Mage/Witch from High Rock




She was born somewhere in nouthern Highrock to a Nordic Woman and Breton man. She was a Nord by right, but had the powers of a Breton. Her father, a man of great standing, trained her to be a great Mage. But when she was 18, her parents were killed and she was severely injured.


She woke up in Skyrim three days later, bandaged and bruised. She doesn't remember it, but she wandered across the border and collapsed at the Solitude Gates.


Shortly thereafter, she started to grow horns. She was shunned by all... except the Imperials.


Now she fights unofficially for them, but secretly against the Thalmor. Slowly, though, she is coming to realize she has the soul... Of a DEMON...




((notice the change))

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  • 1 month later...

Name: Gurak Battlehorn

Race: Orc with some Nord blood

Armor: Aesir's armor

Weapon: Mace of Malog Bol, Shield of Ysgramor, Orcish Bow

Spouses: Lash, Borgakh

Accessory: Amulet of Stendar



Gurak is the descendant of my Oblivion Orc, Ulgert Battlehorn. Gurak was raised as a Cyrodilic noble, but was obsessed with Orc culure. He is the second son of his father and hated the idea of serving his older brother. He challenged his father to a duel to try to prove his worth. He didn't mean to kill him, but Gurak has always had trouble controlling his orc rage. Gurak fled to Skyrim to escape punishment for his crime. Gurak is morally gray, but tends toward the side of good. He has a deep respect for his ancestor, Ulgert and has taken many vows in his name.

Gurak lived in Whiterun for about a year working for the Companions and improving his blacksmithing skill under Eurland Graymane. He left when Skjor offered him the beast blood, because his family hates Hircine. He woke up in Markarth after a drinking binge and got directions to the nearest stronghold. He was excited to be among his own, but didn't care for their way of life. He especially didnt like not being allowed women! He and Gorbash left and soon came across other orcs who didn't quite fit in. They decided to start their own stronghold in Cracked Tusk Keep. He's been in Skyrim about 3 years now, building up his tribe, helping his new family and sucking up to Jarls. He's a warrior and a scholar, as much at home in a Jarl's court as he is on the battlefield. He is a proud man who never lets an insult pass (even if it means a night in jail) and never betrays an ally. He finally answered the Greybeards' call, though he is reluctant to be called a hero...


I've taken a different role playing approach with this character. Gurak is the Dragonborn, but his friends will become guild heads. He will help and support them in their destinies just as they support him. I've tried to put each orc in a guild that seemed appropriate, though I may have taken liberties with the less developed characters.

Gorbash - Legion

Lash - Arch Mage

Borgakh - Harbinger

Lob - Nightingale

Mongrel - Dwemer obsessed orc (my first foray into the CK)

Each of them in turn bring back knowledge and power to the stronghold, making us a force to be reckoned with:)

I also plan to use the console to add orc bandits to my stronghold, but only if they yield to me.

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Name: Gabriel Black Wolf
Race: Nord
Armor: Hunting Grounds
Weapon: Tombstone, Hunter's Roar Bow, Gilded Norse Sword




Gabriel was only a child when the Great War ended (his parents moved there as his father was a legion captain), and didn't know why his parents hid him in the forest northern Cyrodiil. There, he learned to survive by hunting, raise by an elder nord friend of his parents. He learned about Talos, the Empire, the Thalmor, Blades, and about the rebirth of a legendary warrior who would unite Tamriel again. When the elder died, he got his stuff and traveled back to Skyrim, to find his roots and try to understand everything his elder said. He found out more than he expected, as he was captured by the Thalmor...

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  • 9 months later...

Name- Shadow Hunter

Race- Nord

Age- 23


Short story- young nord warrior, raised by wood elves, comming back to Skyrim to find a new life, gaining a high rank in Stormcloak army, she is getting closer to her goal.


I was born to a young noble couple in Whiterun and they named me Ryanna. My father was a Great War veteran and my mother was a daughter of some noble in Solitude. I was only one summer old when we had to flee Skyrim and my father decided to go to Valenwood to the old friend of his. He met him during the Great War. They were both injured and left for death after one of the battles during the Great War. They helped each other and deserted together after some time and troubles they went their own ways to their families.

I don’t remember anything of the journey of course but I know very well what happened. Thalmor were waiting for us in ambush. We were so close to our safe haven but my parents never made it. They were both slayed. After the Thalmor finished their crime they saw a bundle in arms of a dead nord woman, they lifted me up and put me under the closest tree laughing that some animal was going to have a feast soon. They didn’t know that they were being watched. When they left, the friend of my father’s came to me, and took me to his family. So I was raised by family of wood elves, they taught me their lore, their ways of stealth, archery and magic. I was good in everything but magic. Other elven kids laughed at me so I beat them up. My adoptive parents laughed that the Nordic blood of mine was running strong in me and it would get me in trouble, they also said that there is some kind of a power in me but they didn’t know what sort of a power. So the days were passing by. I grew in strength and the day came when my adoptive family gave me possession of my real parents. It was a heavy set of nord armor, steel sword from my father and ring with necklace from my mom. My adoptive father told me that the sword was made in Skyforge. I liked the weight of the armor and the sword was easy to swing. So I started practicing. I was a quick student and after one year I was able to defeat my master. He said I was a true nord but it was not enough to earn respect of the other kids. One day I went for a little hunt, it was day of my 18th birthday. I was on my way home when I saw group of people. There wasn’t something right with them and then it struck me. Their eyes were all wrong. Vampires! I drew my bow and let fly of 3 arrows. Three vampires were down before they knew what was happening. The last one I took down with my father’s sword. After this deed I finally earned respect of the others and they gave me a nick name, witch I use today as my name, Shadow Hunter. Then the life went on as usually until my 21st birth day. The night was warm, elven folk were cheery but I felt that something terrible was to come. Then I heard a cry and another and another I felt that my family was dead and the rest of the village was being slaughtered and being put to torch. I knew I had to flee so I grabbed my sword, I had to leave my father’s armor there because it would only slow me down. I left the house and run to the forest. Before I left I saw corpses of my adoptive parent on the ground, covered in blood. I took my elven father’s bow and arrows and I looked around. I will never forget the sight. My home was in flames, my second family and friends dead. Then I saw the robes and capes of the attackers the Thalmor! I swore that I will not give up and I will hunt down those monsters. I will make them pay for both of my families were lost to their purges. I escaped and fled back to my homeland, Skyrim. My journey was long and it took me to different corners of Tamriel. Finally leaving deserts of Hammerfell behind when I was crossing a border to Skyrim I met a group of warriors. They were fleeing but I didn’t know why. Then I saw a pursuing group of imperial soldiers so I stepped away from their way and looked at the fleeing group. Suddenly I was struck to my head and next thing I remember was me sitting in chains in the carriage. I told the guy who asked who I was that my name is Shadow Hunter and that it was a mistake and I was not with the company. He looked sorry and wanted to let me go but his commander said that I was to be executed with the others. The rest of the story is well known to the rest of the world, for I am the Dragonborn, bane of Alduin, slayer of Miraak, savior of Tamriel and true daughter of Skyrim. I help the others whenever I can, but I haven’t forgotten my past. Those filthy Thalmor will pay for their crimes. Already a whole company of them which was guarding Skyrim is rotting with their heads removed. I will not stop until this threat to this world is wiped out and I will see that mer and men would live together in peace once again.


So that is the story of my character. Sorry for mistakes I am not a native speaker. Hope you like it.

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  • 8 months later...

Mihune, the Nord Serpent


Mihune was raised by Imperials for all her life. All she knew was how to use a sword. A few days after her fathers death she finally had the courage to run away from her abusive mother. She ran away to a dark sanctuary, She called that her home. As she went deeper into the sanctuary She encountered Nocturnal. Nocturnal took her in and taught her the way of darkness, all the good that was in her heart had been corrupted. She mastered sneaking and speech but never got to use either of those skills, until she started to hear rumors about imperials and stormcloacks. She wanted to go check it out and she did, she headed for Windhelm first. She met with jarl ulfric and was filled in on the details, She did the same to General tullius. She thought she could blackmail them somehow and thus she put her skilled to good use. Jarl ulfric was tricked into trusting Mihune. She made general tullius trust in her as well. With all this control mihune lost her mind. She went crazy with power, she went to every city and deceived Jarls and made them her slaves. Cities soon became enslaved to Mihune. She took down the empire with all the power she had gained and that is how she got her nickname Serpent.

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Balin Le Savage, hunter and would-be bard

the illigitimate son of a wandering Nord skald and a Breton maid.

while on his way to the Bard's College, in Solitude, to learn from his father's contempories he becomes caught up in the Stormcloak Rebellion and the return of Alduin



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Aethelgar ~



Aethelgar does not take kindly to being deceived.. Staring down the taverns muscle as she reclaims her honor.



The towns guards, however, took a different view.. Aethelgar and Yngol take up a defensible position atop the skyforge, back to back.





"What do you call that, then?"



(Finally got dual sheath redux working)



Ordgar Boar-snout, Ordgar 'Half giant' to some, stands vigil before the wise Idgrod Ravencrone, his patron and distant relative, and her daily attendants.



Never quite taking to the concept of camouflage, Ordgars' warpaint serves as more of a beacon in the midst of battle.



He used to be a mighty half-giant warrior, like you...


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