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Two mod suggestions (1 sensible and 1 quirky)


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After hitting the 100 hour mark on my current Oblivion game, there are two mod suggestions that leap to mind (or to my mind at least).

The sensible one, is levelled creatures/npc's, so that not all creatures/npc's level up when you level up, and maybe having a chance of encounters with low level creatures/npc's during your strolls through the wilderness. I don't mean making the game too easy by not levelling any creatures/npc's, but too ensure not every encounter is a tough one. I also don't want a mod, that tackles the levelled creatures/npc's, and adds loads of new stuff, just a simple mod to levell (or not) existing creatures/npc's.


The quirky one is a mod that allows npc's/guards to be aware that you are walking about in the buff (nude). It strikes me, that when a good citizen of say Skingrad, sees a naked woman approaching them, the normal response is not "Well Met", it is more likely to be "Get some clothes on young lady" or words to that effect. So I would like a mod, where there would be a chance, that if an npc saw you in the buff, their disposition to you would drop (with the benefit of giving you a chance to improve your speechcraft in order to re-establish their disposition to you), and also a small chance that a guard saw you in the buff, they might arrest you. It would probably require complex ai, some extra dialogue and scripting of some sort, but I think it would be fun.


Disclaimer..I think it should apply to nude men as well, though not sure if male characters can get naked or not.

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The quirky one is a mod that allows npc's/guards to be aware that you are walking about in the buff (nude). It strikes me, that when a good citizen of say Skingrad, sees a naked woman approaching them, the normal response is not "Well Met", it is more likely to be "Get some clothes on young lady" or words to that effect. So I would like a mod, where there would be a chance, that if an npc saw you in the buff, their disposition to you would drop (with the benefit of giving you a chance to improve your speechcraft in order to re-establish their disposition to you), and also a small chance that a guard saw you in the buff, they might arrest you. It would probably require complex ai, some extra dialogue and scripting of some sort, but I think it would be fun.


About the mod, check the above answer. However, you should remember that the NPCs do not have 'eyes', means they cannot see what kind of clothing PC wears without special means(like scripting). And even if they can, it may not be what you think. For example, you can even choose full-covering clothes as your body replacer, while your character and NPCs can wear naked body parts as clothes(it's a trick for giving different body shape per character). If it's that case, no one will yell when you're walking 'naked', and guards can arrest you with 'full clothing'.

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Thanks for replies, I am going to try both suggestions by AnimalRiot, they sound pretty close to what I was looking for.


I did understand the npc's don't actually have eyes, but I assumed they would be aware of my characters presence, since when I get into a combat situation with an npc (eg Umbra), that npc is aware enough of where I am, to hit me with a weapon or spell. A kind of pseudo 'sight', that is built into the coding for the game. Therefore, since the awareness is coded in, then it should be possible to give it the illusion of being real sight, with appropiate dialogue to reinforce the illusion.

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The way that NPCs gauge whether the player or another NPC is clothed or naked is by the gold value of the clothing/armor/jewelry worn. Buck naked except for an expensive ring (or one worth 1 gold for that matter) and you're considered clothed. That's why some companions (e.g. Companion Vilja) will consider the player nude when wearing some mod added clothes/armor. When mod authors don't give a gold value to their stuff (not an uncommon practice) there is no way for the companion to tell if you're naked. Put on a ring or amulet worth 1 gold and you're considered clothed.


Looking at kuertee's mod linked above I don't see anything in the mod description that leads me to believe the gold value situation is changed. In fact it appears value of clothing takes on more meaning than vanilla, so the 1 gold ring trick would just make you 'almost' naked. I use a few of kuertee's other mods ... they're well thought out and work well.

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You should also consider that nudity was common in the ancient world [a non issue].



in the 'tradition' of ScionVyse454 Youtube, my Immersive Tabaxi is always HGEC guts butt naked and so is all other attractive female npc in my game [Muffinshare]. I wish there was a forum that allowed the player to post their characters pics in all their glorious assets.

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If you are still looking for suggestions for the first mod, the leveled creatures, try thePostaldude's Modular Oblivion Enchanced. Here is a link http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/7902 there are multiple esp. files for each part of the mod so you dont have to use the whole thing. One of the mods included is Undermined Leveled Gameplay. Basically it allows any creature to appear depending on what area you are in regardless of your level. Could be dangerous at low levels since it may spawn creatures that you may be unable to handle at level 1 but since you have 100 hrs in i am going to assume that this will not be a problem.



Hope this is what you were looling for.

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