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MASSIVE Skyrim mod list


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Okay,,, just NOW found out why NMM couldn't update.... So I have installed Vortex.

HERE is my question. I have close to two HUNDRED mods installed in Skyrim. Many of which required a SPECIFIC install in order. I want to know,,,, is it possible to import them and enable,,,, or do I have to suffer thru finding out the correct installation order of each mod again and install them one at a time? Last time I had to reinstall my mods,,,, took DAYS to do. If I have to go thru that kind of trouble,,, I might be better off just leaving the mod management of Skyrim to NMM.

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Okay,,, just NOW found out why NMM couldn't update.... So I have installed Vortex.

HERE is my question. I have close to two HUNDRED mods installed in Skyrim. Many of which required a SPECIFIC install in order. I want to know,,,, is it possible to import them and enable,,,, or do I have to suffer thru finding out the correct installation order of each mod again and install them one at a time? Last time I had to reinstall my mods,,,, took DAYS to do. If I have to go thru that kind of trouble,,, I might be better off just leaving the mod management of Skyrim to NMM.



It is possible to import all your mods ... but ... a million dollars question for you : do you know how to deal with Vortex ? If your answer is no, then do not do it. Why ? Because you will try to learn the O,P,Q,R ... etc, before learning A,B,C ...etc.


Realize this, Vortex is easy BUT different, so your load order in NMM is one thing but if you transfer it to Vortex, you may have issues because of the way Vortex handles conflicts between mods ( which is different from NMM ) and if you do not know .. again ... how to deal with rules to resolve your mod conflicts, etc, ... ( also, you would have to install and enabled your mods again ) then it will be unwise to move it to Vortex.


I did not import anything. I just decided to delete all my games and NMM from my PC and after that I reinstall everything clean, mod by mod.


I do understand that you do not want to loose your saved games and you do not want to spend a lot of time going thru the whole thing again, I do admit, it is a real pain in our a** but sometimes when you are dealing with a new mod manager, IMHO, it is wiser to start fresh rather than not.


The import function is great but when you know Vortex in the first place, and second, when you really know how to handle modding. If you are an advanced user, you will not have problems at all, otherwise, you will face a lot of troubles.


I do not consider myself an advanced user, even though I know how to deal with Xedit, creating my own custom mods, etc and my decision to avoid the importing function was because I wanted to learn Vortex starting with the A and finish with the Z, which by the way, should be the right way to learn anything.


It is your call and good luck.

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Okay,,, just NOW found out why NMM couldn't update.... So I have installed Vortex.

HERE is my question. I have close to two HUNDRED mods installed in Skyrim. Many of which required a SPECIFIC install in order. I want to know,,,, is it possible to import them and enable,,,, or do I have to suffer thru finding out the correct installation order of each mod again and install them one at a time? Last time I had to reinstall my mods,,,, took DAYS to do. If I have to go thru that kind of trouble,,, I might be better off just leaving the mod management of Skyrim to NMM.


Before trying to answer your question, I would assure you that you don't have to abandon NMM. Although "Mod Manager Download" may no longer be available, are you aware of the option to download mods manually and then use NMM to install them? (For some reason many people ignore that option. I wonder if it's because people think that "downloading manually" means "installing manually," which it doesn't.) Anyway, if you already have a Skyrim game setup with NMM that you're happy with, I would strongly encourage you to keep it that way. If and when you want to start from scratch with a new game, then use Vortex.


Now to your question. Most people coming to Vortex do so with preconceptions about install order and load order that don't apply to Vortex. If they can't shake themselves free of those preconceptions, then they find Vortex to be a very frustrating experience. So I strongly encourage you to look before you leap. Looking involves doing some serious homework. Once you do that homework, then you will be able to answer your own question. I know the answer to your question, but my giving you the answer won't provide you the insight into Vortex that you need to be successful with it as a mod manager.


Here's your homework: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7060326-vortex-help-center-faq-documentation/


To sum up: (1) Keep NMM for your current game setup. (2) Use Vortex for a new game. (3) Do your Vortex homework and then apply that knowledge to a new game.


Good luck!

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Thank you for the replies. I've pretty much decided that Skyrim will be managed by NMM simply cause I do NOT want to deal with re-installing almost 200 mods. That's 200 mods I have to look up yet again, determine what depends on what,,,, determine in WHAT order to install, and then install them. As for my Fallout games,,, those will be handled by Vortex since they only had 2-15 mods per game.

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Thank you for the replies. I've pretty much decided that Skyrim will be managed by NMM simply cause I do NOT want to deal with re-installing almost 200 mods. That's 200 mods I have to look up yet again, determine what depends on what,,,, determine in WHAT order to install, and then install them. As for my Fallout games,,, those will be handled by Vortex since they only had 2-15 mods per game.


Well considering how Vortex handles things, you don't have to worry about install order because nothing is getting overwritten in your profile. You can install say, A before B, but make it so that B still overwrites A. I can install mods in the order of ECBADF, but make it so that when they are deployed, they act as if I installed them in NMM in the order of ABCDEF.

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Thank you for the replies. I've pretty much decided that Skyrim will be managed by NMM simply cause I do NOT want to deal with re-installing almost 200 mods. That's 200 mods I have to look up yet again, determine what depends on what,,,, determine in WHAT order to install, and then install them. As for my Fallout games,,, those will be handled by Vortex since they only had 2-15 mods per game.



I perfectly understand your point and this is what I did back when Vortex was available 9 months ago.


I kept my Fallout 4 in NMM and I deleted SkyrimSE and I started to experimenting with Vortex by using SkyrimSE in my test. Normal process, downloading mods one by one, etc, etc, restarted Skyrim probably 3 times from fresh and once I felt confident with it, then I decided to wipe out Fallout4 and NMM from my PC and started it from scratch.


If you want to learn Vortex, I recommend you to do that and once you feel ready, give it a shot with your game. :cool:

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