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What is with all the sex mods?


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Do you people know what came BEFORE the Victorian age? The greatest age of sexual freedom in Briotish History- it took until the 1960s for sexual repression by the state to be reversed in the UK and reach the level it had been in the 18th century.


Today, mainstream media is becoming more puritanical by the day as the Internet provides access to greater sexual freedom than at any time in History. This 'paradox' is a disturbing warning that our 'freedoms' tend to be passing trends, and that every time we get 'too free', big brother's fist comes crashing down.


Hence the "what's with all this sex on the Nexus" nonsense. Comments by people who drink the mainstream media kool-aid, and thus look upon outlets out-of-sync with the mainstream media with outrage. This is what the weaponised SJW movements are really built for- societal repression.


Of course many people have pointed out the very disturbing fact of the 'co-incidence' of anti-sexual movements with pro-war movements. Victorian Britain was VERY militaristic. Those that decry 'sexual' material never seem to notice all the pro-murder material (what is it we do in a Fallout game again?).


There was a VERY disturbing (to Big Brother) meme from the 1960s- "make love not war".


Now look at the OP's thread title. Was anyone FORCING the OP to look at these mods or install them? Of course not. So why did the OP feel a need to even start this thread.


Our freedoms are NOT self-supporting. And the forces that would take our freedoms away never rest. Let me pose a question. How did a nation that loved alcohol so much (the USA) reach a point where it was banned by 'common consent' and not by a 'dictator' for the entire population.


All the major political parties in the UK want to 'taliban' the internet (and this site) if only they can find a technical way to do so- a prohibition on online sexuality far more ambitious than the prohibition of alcohol. Downwind, and we'll see their 'grunts' attempt battle at the frontline with various forms of demonisation propaganda.


No-one in real power likes the total freedom wrought by the Internet, and today their entire focus is reversing the trend- looking to introduce a new 'victorian age'. If you forget why your rights and freedoms matter, and how many joined up forces in society think such rights and freedoms are counter to THEIR plans, you will see it all taken away again.

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My blocking-button has been very active recently. It really solves the problem for me having to look at those ridiculous unrealistic boobs and skimpy outfits, at least in the hot-files :cool: So this is no big issue for me.


Seriously, every time I see a boob mod I think for myself; "Have you male teens even a clue as to how heavy and uncomfortable such huge "atomic" breasts are, and how quickly they would lead to spine problems and as consequence of it a hunchback within only a couple of years? - Think a hunchback is sexy?" .


Or for the skimpy stuff - thinking it in a sarcastic voice; "Yea right. If I as a real life woman would live in a time where murdering and raping raider- and gunner-gangs are going rampart, radiations is around every corner, and the few roads are all broken; I would definitely run around with a pair of hot-pants, stilettos and some band aids over my nipples" - sigh :pinch: :laugh:

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Don't know where that teen argument always comes from. Through all age groups people are interested in sex and also all genders.


And that is ok imo. Games leading their players in a dreamworld, like movies and books their watchers/readers and in ->your<- dreamworlds you should always be able to see and to do what you want. At least as long we are not in the matrix :/.


What the topic matters... I do not like how the gaming industry trys in the last 3+ years to "become serious". Most times, they try to avoid the topic sex and everything related to a level that is just unrealistic and ridiculous.


As example: To imagine that in the commonwealth are no "working girls"... That is unbelievable and well... I can only chuckle above that. So I am happy that another mod author solved that problem (even I need to say that he had done to much in my eyes, I needed to modify the modfile, to decrease the spawns from the "working girls").


But further as that I am not interessted in sexual themed mods. If Bethesda had dealt with that topic in Fallout 4 as they have in Fallout 3, someone like me would not have anything to say.


That are just my 2 cents to that topic^^.

Edited by taryl80
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