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Cant install some ESM mods


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Well I am pisst.

I start nexus mod manager, and I try to install WArzones V5b, and it sais "A Problem occured during install: BOSS_API_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS: Master files must load before other plugins. The mod was not installed.


What the hell do I do????? I get the same error when i try to install CBE or Moonpath to Elswyr.

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I don't use BOSS but to me it sounds like when you install the mod it needs to be placed before any other .esps and .esms, unless of course, you mean you can't actually install the mod. In which case I suggest you open the .zip/,rar/.7z of said mod and DELETE the "fomod" folder within, and then activate the file via NMM. Does it work now?


Remember to backup the file before making permanent changes to it.

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@ Yafi...I am sorry you misunderstood my post as personal criticism. I was not replying to you at all but rather to the OP. Based on his statement "I installed NMM... and then the BOSS error, it seemed to me that he may have attempted to run BOSS as a mod, and had nothing at all to do with your comment or suggestion.
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