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Real Great Swords


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Real great swords look like this IMAG0020.jpg well except they are made of metal.


It has always bugged me that the great swords were so short.


I'm guessing this is just a modeling and texture job.



One other thing how many modders check these posts I have always kind of wondered about that.

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Well, everyone has different tastes in swords, I suppose. Some like them short and broad, some like them long and slender, and some like to swing an anime-style iron tombstone on a stick. And there's nothing wrong with that, if that's how they swing.


But there ARE realistic choices around, if you know where to look. E.g., my own European Greatswrod looks like this:


And that's not a gnome wielding it. That's a solid 4.5 ft worth of tempered steel blade, plus another 1.5 ft worth of handle.


Or for a more longsword sized one, and more slender and nimble at that, check out the Great Dane from the Secret Of The Silver Blades



Or, again, in a more longsword format, there's the Type XIIa and Type XIIIa from the Arming Swords



Or for fans of Japan and/or specifically Sephiroth, in the Weapons Of The Shogunate there's this baby:


Solid 4 ft of blade measured in a straight line from tip to hilt, a bit more along the curve.


And I'm obviously not the only one making swords, nor the best by a long shot. So it seems to me like you still should have a fair bit of choices.

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The ones used in Skyrim are Scottish claymores, Scottish Claymores are bigger and heavier then the average medieval two-handed longsword and a lot thicker. So historically seen the greatsword is correct.
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