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Auto Battle


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This is merely a suggestion for a possible mod. I keep getting followers and after I had a party of 5, I thought that it was starting to feel quite D&D. Then I thought, how awesome it would be if I could simply have made my character fight on his own while I get to watch.

I personally love games where you can equip and set up your party, then watch them do their thing. I find that I can enjoy what goes on more since I don't have to focus only on my own character.

I don't have any experience when it comes to such modding, but I hope that perhaps there is someone who thinks this sounds like a not hard to do mod and that perhaps they share my idea.

So anyways, Auto Combat for Skyrim would have been nice :D

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well, it's not impossible at all.. just a matter of adding factions, anyway, have a watch of my create a companion tutorial, the third part beightness got screwed up in rendering, not sure why, just a bit brighter than it should be heh..




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see the problem is, some modders only add the current/potential and marriage factions to their companions, so then your companions will oly follow you round like slaves and fight what you fight, now if you add a custom faction and create a horde of allies and enemies for that faction, and add that faction to your companions, they will fight npc's who belong to the enemy faction with out you having to start the fight.
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see the problem is, some modders only add the current/potential and marriage factions to their companions, so then your companions will oly follow you round like slaves and fight what you fight, now if you add a custom faction and create a horde of allies and enemies for that faction, and add that faction to your companions, they will fight npc's who belong to the enemy faction with out you having to start the fight.


You might be mistaking. I am not looking for a way to make my companions start to fight enemies without me, I am rather looking for a way to allow the character I made, fight on his own, without me having to control him/her. >(

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oh, i see.. well.. i don't think you can make it completey automatic, there would still need to be your input, for movement, but you should be able to lets say slash followed by a block then slash again, but then again would you want to take the effort out of the game?
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oh, i see.. well.. i don't think you can make it completey automatic, there would still need to be your input, for movement, but you should be able to lets say slash followed by a block then slash again, but then again would you want to take the effort out of the game?


The way I imagine it would be to someway enable NPC AI for the PC. Would be nice if one could turn it on or off. And yes I would want that, I like that kind of playstyle ;)

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