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The Perfect Team

Necromancer G

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Jackie Chan

Bruce Lee

Shaquille O'Neil

Chuck Norris

And just for the hell of it... Sun Tsu...



You have your tank, your combat strategist, your 2x DPS (one high efficiency, one high flexibility), and a rear guard. Virtually unstoppable in any 5v5 melee fight. And interestingly enough, not much need for translation.



Or... provided language isn't an issue.


Penn Gillette


Gautama Buddha

Jesus of Nazareth




I'm sure they could figure out this whole religion thing once and for all. Or maybe just start a really bad fight. Why Penn Gillette? Atheist, cynic, fairly clear thinker, reasonably versed in philosophy and physics, down to earth, and doesn't mind being the focus of proselytizing. Seemed the most reasonable choice from the Atheist/Agnostic side of things. For the others... you have primary founders of 4 of the 5 major religions, and a philosopher who's works were probably read by all but one of them.

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Vagrant0 Chuck Norris doesn't need a team :rolleyes: :teehee: LOOL



He made the whole team idea, and granted humans to think as in a team, so basically he is the team.. :teehee:The whole concept Made by Chuck Norris, just like the sense of Taste, he made that to :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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Logic, witch is the meme, the person or the internet jokes, other then that i agree with you... :teehee:

Even the person makes fun of himself, in a similer way???


have you seen some of those wow commercials yet. lol In some way also degrades is epicness lool. Never mind that he was paid to say all of that, Billions of Dollers for each word he said. Billions :teehee:


Because no company could actually afford Chuck to star in anything..

Edited by Thor.
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My all-star team?

Matt Ryan No. 2 (Matty Ice) aka "Fly Young Bird": Atlanta Falcons Quarterback

Fabolous (Loso): Rapper

Captain Rex: Clone Captain, 501st Legion

Master Chief: Master Chief

Commander Shepard: Savior of the Galaxy

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  • 2 weeks later...

My team,


- Me

- James Hetfield

- David Mitchell

- Edmund Blackadder

- The warden from Shawshank Redemption

- Mr Motivator

- The Bug from Men In Black


That might fill every criterea...whatever it may be (building the ultimate pancake?)

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