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How do you know I don't help people? Not really interested in telling you my personal life, but I highly doubt you have done anything close to what I do.

I'am not the point here. I don't run around and celebrate force against those, who dare to refuse to help for the higher good.

The point is what you did. You want force against those who dare to refuse to sacrifices for the higher good. I don't care about your personal life, i asked you what you did to help.

Now you could make up some stories or whatever, you posts have no credibility to me anyway.



What do people do in government systems and society? They work together, they have leadership that makes sure everyone is okay. They tax people in order to make society better. Taxation is taking money from someone and using it for others even if they are not willing. Did I really have to put that together for you?

Man, you have even less understandig of a human society than you have about the commerce clause. I bet even a tribesman understands more about the living togehter of human beeings.

What you try to describe is the fable of the noble king. Or some kind of stockholm-syndrom fantasy. Last one is very widespread those days.


You don't describe a natural human society, you describe collectivism and declare it as the basic term of humans living together. Collectivist societies allways collaps because its an un-natural order which can just exist by force, the threat of violance you are not allowed to resist.

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Maybe I am wording myself wrong.


Taxation is taking money from someone by force to help towards the greater good of society. Large governments have required taxation to run. It is the same concept.


If you do not wish to contribute to society and help people not as fortunate as you, you should be forced to do so in some way. Sure, it messes a bit with the freedom of someone who is rich. But a homeless man or someone just making it by is still not going to be as free as the person being forced to contribute.

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Taxation is taking money from someone by force to help towards the greater good of society. Large governments have required taxation to run. It is the same concept.

Again you couldn't answer my question and instead you parrot Chairman Mao again.

I'am gona ignore you now because i can't read this Chairman Mao Crap anymore. When i wanna read such crap about the greater good i read Mao, i read Lenin, i read Hegel.


Thanks for wasteing my time Chairman Mao.

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Taxation is taking money from someone by force to help towards the greater good of society. Large governments have required taxation to run. It is the same concept.

Again you couldn't answer my question and instead you parrot Chairman Mao again.

I'am gona ignore you now because i can't read this Chairman Mao Crap anymore. When i wanna read such crap about the greater good i read Mao, i read Lenin, i read Hegel.


Thanks for wasteing my time Chairman Mao.

This just in, if you support taxation due to all of human history ever, you are Mao Zedong.


Also taxation is communism now. Everyone government throughout world history was communist, nice to know.


Also it would help if you asked a question. Kinda hard to answer one if its not there. Didn't see any question marks in your previous post.

Edited by marharth
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Mao is a hero to a nation. One most politicians probably envy the success of. <snip> :biggrin:

Yes, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin would be quite envious but not many democratic politicians would be so willing to emulate Mao. :whistling:

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This just in, if you support taxation due to all of human history ever, you are Mao Zedong.

US conservatives have brought us back to the '80s on gay rights and back to the '50s on contraception. Is was inevitable they'd bring us back to the Bronze Age on taxation.

Just curious with such colorful metaphors, is it the Greeks, Egyptian, Babylonian, Sumerian or Mycenaean culture that the dastardly conservatives are so akin too? Lets see..... the Greeks brought us democracy and early poetry, the Egyptians gave us architecture, the Babylonians gave us early law, the Sumerian's gave us writing and the Mycenaean's brought us art. roftl.... :whistling:

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Mao is a hero to a nation. One most politicians probably envy the success of. <snip> :biggrin:

Yes, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin would be quite envious but not many democratic politicians would be so willing to emulate Mao. :whistling:

I disagree :whistling:

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Marxist ßastard

US conservatives have brought us back to the '80s on gay rights and back to the '50s on contraception. Is was inevitable they'd bring us back to the Bronze Age on taxation.


I understand you are just her to provoke, but i wanna debunk this typical leftwing talkingpoint.

First of all, what are "gay rights"? Are they special from anyone else rights? Have they special rights?

And whats about the "gay rights" in countries like cuba or the soviet union? Are these countries known for their progressiv gay rights policy?


And what is "back to the 50s on contraception" ? You could buy condoms back in the 50's. Hell, you could buy them in the 30's and no questions asked.



What the last part, taxation bronze age should mean, i don't get that and i don't care. Probably also just an empty phrase like the rest of the post.

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