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Escaping Vault 101 without killing anyone


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Here's my problem:


I want to properly loot Vault 101 in the Escape Quest. I also don't want to kill anyone who might otherwise be alive in Trouble on the Homefront. As I've just discovered to my infinite displeasure, I need baseid to get the set essential command to work. This is not acceptable, it's too much work. But I need to be able to knock the security officers unconscious. And, from my experience with the glitchy Lucas Simms, have it so the dialogue changes even after resurrection (like Simm's kid talking about how if father is dead, while his father is RIGHT BESIDE HIM.) How do I accomplish this?

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During the Escape quest, the only people directly dangerous to the LW are the security guards, none of whom are necessary for the later quest - or would have much to say or do even if they were there. Most guards seem to be placed so they cannot be avoided during the escape, and seem automatically hostile whatever the LW does on the way out.


Aside from the Overseer (whom you simply avoid by sneaking past while he is grilling Amata), none of the other V101ers encountered at this stage (four in all, I think) are hostile, so that is not a problem.


My own experience is that pretty much all of the "good" (as in high-value) loot to be grabbed at this time is security armor and weapons, so you have a big problem if you REALLY don't want to kill the people using them. Aside from some odds'n'ends in a couple of places you have to visit anyhow, there really isn't much else worth grabbing.


You could always use console commands to give yourself a Stealth Suit or some Stealth Boys. That will get you around some of those guards, but not all of them - the two who show up when you open the Vault door are definitely hostile and seem unavoidable.

Edited by 7thsealord
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I'm playing FWE, and apparently Stealth Boy doesn't do s*** with that mod, I didn't even see the field activate. Not sure why. And as far as roleplaying goes it's VITAL that my LW not kill anyone in her escape. No one.
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If roleplaying is that critical then I think you have to swallow the loss of loot as a consequence of not killing anyone.


Part of RP, to me at least, is that you lose the ability to do/get certain things because of your choices.

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Excellent point. That very old saying, about having your cake and eating it, comes to mind.


Escaping from V101, without harming/killing anybody whatsoever, would be an achievment. Honestly though, I think this is simply impossible as things stand.

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1. I'm all about having my cake and eating it too.


2. I don't have a lot of scruples about cheating when I want to do something.


3. And I in this case, I have no qualms at all. If there was a device mechanism in the game whereby I could beat the security guards and tie them up and draw phalluses on their foreheads, I would do so. Because such a mechanism does not exist (and logically should) cheating is the only way to roleplay this the way I wish. Unless there is some in game mechanic, and that's the bulk of the reason I'm asking.

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2. I don't have a lot of scruples about cheating when I want to do something.

Simply toggling the AI off comes to mind. Console command: "TAI"


3. And I in this case, I have no qualms at all. If there was a device mechanism in the game whereby I could beat the security guards and tie them up and draw phalluses on their foreheads, I would do so. Because such a mechanism does not exist (and logically should) cheating is the only way to roleplay this the way I wish. Unless there is some in game mechanic, and that's the bulk of the reason I'm asking.

Hmmm makes me wonder if those goons can be mezzed with the mesmetron.

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Well if you are happy to cheat, then just turn the clipping off and turn on god mode using the console commands and head straight to the exit.


Personally I think it [cheating & not killing} defeats the entire purpose of the episode of leaving the Vault, that is not killing anyone. This chapter is staged so that you are put in a position in which your fight for your very life begins and that means having to kill to survive. You didn't ask for this but you're forced to make a choice and that choice has consequences.


I do know of a few accounts of other peoples games in which they created Lone Wanderers that were pacifists and avoided combat throughout the entire game. It's a real challenge.

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