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Site and NMM updates, social networking features incoming


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Awesome new features, Rob! :D


One thing though... "like"? I think we could come up with something less Facebookish... :P

Maybe use endorsed? "Dark0ne endorse(d/s) this article:"

Edited by Zaldiir
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Yeah I am not a fan of a huge hunk of my screen suddenly being taken over by my "tracking" and feeds, I definitely liked the hot files and latest files where they used to be instead of shoved to the side. Its a handy idea, but I think it takes up way to much of my space so I will be turning them off.


[edit] Jeez turning them off barely does anything the feed is still taking up most my screen...bleh

Edited by nivea
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I would like anything that gets mod authors to interact with each other more, that would help compatibility. To that end could NMM collect load lists and then report them somehow? Maybe something like once you have a compatible/load order working list of mods you could upload the list, say for example "Pure mage", or "Archer/illusion" working mod list. Or maybe NMM collects the lists and gives the results - example ASIS and Ace perk enhancements have a 75% compatible rating( 75% of people who have asis also use ace), Just shooting out vague ideas here but it seems that NMM could be used more interactively and in other ways than just being a private installer.
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Really not fond of the new layout, before I saw the update news I thought something was wrong with the site when the changes were first made!


Perhaps a mix of the previous layout and the new one might be okay. For example, revert the "Hot Files" and "Latest Files" rows back to the way they were before the change but put the new "Feeds" row below them instead of "Latest Images".


"Mods of the Month" and "Latest Images" will stay like they are, moved to the side but put the "Mods of the Month" above "Latest Images".

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And here I am just wanting a 'check all' and 'uncheck all' for NMM. It's majorly lacking in some of the most basic of functionality, that really should have been added in the beginning already. I don't expect it to be anywhere near OBMM or FOMM was with all the extra utilities and features and kitchen sinks, but some of the more basic functionality could really be helpful when it comes to managing the mod listing.
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When I come home from work, the first thing I want to do is log on to Nexus and check out the new mods and pics! Really now, do you NOT want to showcase this important backbone of the Nexus sites? .......... ???


Nexus is without a doubt the best mod community on the net. It's about the game. It's about the mods. It's about the pics people post here and get a little goosebump knowing the world can see them.


Okay, I'm getting a little carried away here, sorry, but I think that feeds and tracking are somewhat of a social event for us Nexus veterans and that is quite OK, but it may discourage newcomers since that is what will be their first impression of the site.


Thanks for listening!




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  • Community Manager
When I come home from work, the first thing I want to do is log on to Nexus and check out the new mods and pics! Really now, do you NOT want to showcase this important backbone of the Nexus sites? .......... ??? Nexus is without a doubt the best mod community on the net. It's about the game. It's about the mods. It's about the pics people post here and get a little goosebump knowing the world can see them. Okay, I'm getting a little carried away here, sorry, but I think that feeds and tracking are somewhat of a social event for us Nexus veterans and that is quite OK, but it may discourage newcomers since that is what will be their first impression of the site. Thanks for listening!


So use the scroll wheel on your mouse? It takes one second!

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Dark0ne, will it be possible to track a modder? Tracking centre is useful and i check it every day, but i really miss a "track new file uploads from this member" option! This ability to follow a modder is available in the Steam Workshop, and i am surprised that i can't track my favorite authors in the Nexus.


By the way thank you for your incredible work :)

Edited by Elgar82
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