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Site and NMM updates, social networking features incoming


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I'm not liking this either, the site news was a nicer read in the old layout.. There also doesn't seem to be an option to remove the file news. Latest files and images are also on the side, so those tabs are a bit redundant..
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Sorry if this has been brought up and answered, but is it still possible to view the Hot Files without having to wait for the transitions? There used to be the option to view the whole hot files list when you click on the tab on the main page but now it isn't functional.
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I don't really like the new layout.. its really awkward to find tabs, and look at featured mods, the layout is kinda lousy, and makes it look drab as well =/ The old one was much better, very stylish and was it seemed pretty streamlined. Just my thoughts..
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The new layout isn't that good. If you could make everything horizontal again, that would be much better. Example: have Hot Files right under the preview picture, then your Feed under that, then Latest Files, Latest images, Site News, etc.


You know what, if you could make it as modular and customizable as possible, that would be even better. But in the meantime, please change the layout to be more like what I saidhttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif.

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i really love the new home page. although i would prefer if hot files were directly under the banner pics. not a big deal though. its nice that theres now 6 instead of 5.


and i mentioned this before but it would be SUPER awesome if we could post Polls in the article section so that users can vote on upcoming features of the mod


Edited by AmethystDeceiver
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