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deleted Skyrim


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No one forces you to use their service because no one forces you to buy their games.


Games are not something you are entitled to

Games are not something you need

Games are not something that if you dont have your face is going to explode.


Games are something that YOU and ONLY YOU decide to buy.

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OP: Learn how to use the console and resetting a quest is easy. I can understand that maybe you didn't like the game, but why are you crying on the Nexus forums? LoL, sounds like a troll.


I hate Steam too, but it's something we have to deal with. If it wasn't for the one feature that requires me to be online just to go offline, it wouldn't be that bad. But having a laptop, that one issue is ridiculous. Basically, I can't be anywhere and pull out my laptop and start playing unless I plan it in advance. It's retarded.

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I swallowed my dislike of Steam specifically to play Skyrim and for no other reason. Yes, it was my choice, because Bethesda gave me no other choice. Now I know from personal experience that Steam sucks, for all the reasons you've all heard so many times. Bethesda sucks more for making me use it. Would their profits have been any less (after deducting Steam's cut) for just letting us play off the DVD? I know I've said nothing new, but I had to give you my opinion as a gameplayer new to both Steam and Bethesda. I'll play this game until I get my money's worth out of it, then happily delete it and Steam from my computer. After that, I'll never deal with Steam again and probably not Bethesda. How's that for building brand loyalty?
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  On 7/8/2012 at 11:47 PM, sajuukkhar9000 said:
  On 7/8/2012 at 10:04 PM, perfection said:

and frankly if I practicaly have to give you my money at gunpoint, you are a very incompitent server.

Really, because, I dont recall ANYONE forcing you to buy Skyrim.


No one made you get Skyrim

No one made you install Steam

No one held you at gunpoint

No one forced you to do ANYTHING


Stop blaming others for a choice you made for yourself.


This is why I can't take the majority of anti-steam people seriously, I dont particularly like Steam myself, but the levels of denial over their own willing involvement in the matter makes me want to distance myself from them as much as possible.



Reread the post. If I-I-I-I-I have to force Steam to take MY money, and the only way that I-I-I-I-I can play a game is by going through Steam, then I AM being forced to use Steam.


I agree with your statement about Skyrim, no one made me get it. I wanted it and don't deny that.


I already had steam on my computer because I had Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War 2 on my computer and that is where my first contact and complaints with Steam came from and through 4 more games my tolerace for and patience with Steam has been thoroughly worn out. But saying I wasn't forced to install it is idiotic since I had to pay real money for the game, and low and behold I now have to jump through hoops in order to install and run the peice of software I just purchased. Honestly I had an easier time loading crap on the Commadore 64.


No one did hold me at gunpoint and to imply anything like that is moronic at best.


Steam did force me to install it, in order to use these titles that I like so much. I didn't know how idiotic that move was at the time. The first time I installed a game with steam took just under 38 hours and twelve tries because I didn't know that steam was so badly programmed that it didn't have an autocheck to see if there was a disk in the drive. Silly me. The second time took just over an hour and two tries because I knew the trick to get steam to read from the disk. When I got Skyrim, it took four tries and 3 hours to get it to install right, again because of steam trying to do something weird.


I never said I don't like Skyrim. It's pretty as all hell, and it's fun when it runs right, but when you get bounty in a kingdom because you killed a skeleton, defensively I might add, then even you cannot deny thet that is one hell of a glitch.


But still I said that I am not going to get any more games with steam attached for the simple reason that steam has pissed me off so much at every turn. Needlessly complicating something that before steam came along was as simple as clicking a few buttons than watching TV until the install was finished instead of having to baby the damn thing at every turn.


Simply put I don't care if you want to distance yourself from me sajuukkhar9000. I dislike steam because:

It is intrusive,



Constantly springing adds on me when online,

Required to play some of my favored games, legally.

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  On 7/9/2012 at 1:41 AM, sajuukkhar9000 said:

No one forces you to use their service because no one forces you to buy their games.


Games are not something you are entitled to

Games are not something you need

Games are not something that if you dont have your face is going to explode.


Games are something that YOU and ONLY YOU decide to buy.

Man, I've been hearing "Games are not something that you are entitled to" quite a bit on various forums lately.


Case in point, I recently took a hiatus from Skyrim to actually finish D3, a game that I had abandoned about 1/3 of the way into because I found that it... wasn't very fun. Well, in attempting to look up min/max information, I noticed that nearly all of the Blizzard forums were straight CHOCKED full of D3 flaming. At first I ignored all of these threads as useless, but as I drew nearer to the end of the game... I began to realize that many of them had a point (though they were still phrased quite immaturely).


While it IS indisputable that nobody forces us (the gaming public) to buy games, that does not absolve gaming companies from providing a quality product, especially when they are charging AAA prices for said product. Caveat emptor, sure sure, but, as with any product, people are reserved the right to complain about games when they do not meet their expectations. Just as we as consumers are not forced to buy games that turn out to be junk, wouldn't it be easier for all of us if studios would turn out a quality product to begin with? Big-name studios seem to have internalized the fact that people will buy their product whether it is high quality or low, and have chosen to "skate" in terms of quality storytelling and replay value.


Such statements as "you are not entitled to games" seems to me to be beside the point. In a consumer economy, the customer is presupposed to be right. Ultimately it is only the gaming studios that will feel the pain if they continue to churn out sub-par, dumbed-down versions of past products, as people will (hopefully) no longer support them with their business. AAA studios seem to be engaged in a bit of economic rent-seeking, knowing that only a handful of studios have the capital and talent to produce high-quality graphics (which is, sad fact, what many "gamers" prioritize), and that people will buy these games almost no matter their actual content. Aware of this fact, they create the graphics, skimp on everything else, and count their checks on the way back to the bank. Talk about feeling entitled to something... (some other person's money!).


Anyway, I absolutely adore Skyrim and Bethesda, so this post is primarily informed by my experience with D3 and to a lesser extent ME2. Bethesda cut out quite a few features from Morrowind -> Obliv -> Skyrim, but I feel like their heart is still in the right place. Likewise I feel as though Bioware can come around to DA and ME quality again. Blizzard, OTOH, seems to have completely lost its way. In any case, I say all of this simply because it seems to be a meme or something, that the gaming public is entitled and whiny, wah wah wah. Even if that were somehow true, there would be a WHOLE STACK of money waiting in the wings for any company that put quality gaming over the short-term cash grab and actually delivered a product that people unreservedly wanted to play.


Funny thing is, that's how most of these studios started out. Something about getting big and getting rich seems to result in a loss of perspective about what made you great in the first place. Que sera sera perhaps.

Edited by sukeban
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Wait... Hold on right there...


Your morals might tell you that a company should deliver a quality product, but I have some bad news.


Call of Duty, a steaming pile of trash hack excuse for a shooter that requires no skill, sells 10 million copies because of the way they hype it up in commercials to noobs.


So no they don't. They just have to make money.


But, Bethesda sells quality far beyond most of these quick buck knock off games.

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