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Is Fallout 76 worth the buy?


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Go watch any of the power player videos on Youtube to 'get' what the 'game loop' is. They play in teams and are 'optimal' with respect to the rules of the game.


1) farming - tedious respawn points where groups of 'beasts' drop 'essential' crafting items like springs

2) upgrading your 'stats' using the above.

3) farming from the SAME 'beasts' but with a 'higher' level, so you can 'upgrade' to a higher level to fight the same poorly animated blobs to farm, and on and on and on.


You'd need to be mentally deranged to find this any kind of fun.


The MOST optimistic of would-be solo player all claimed the holotape quests got terminally boring after the third.


Base building is nerfed to an infinite degree. If you are used to what the PC modded version of Fallout 4 offers, FO:76 in comparison is a complete waste of space.


Which leaves the general 'bumming around' of the new world space in a Fallout 4 like fashion- perhaps the most conventional 'fun' a FO:76 player has. And what's that worth at most? 10-15 dollars?


But remember the CODE of FO:76 is a massive down-step from Fallout:4 (or even Skyrim). Beth had to essentially cut everything out to even get the game running as badly as it does. The pro reviewers were most disgusted about this aspect of a supposed AAA full-price game. How little you get, and how poor the ambitions of the game.


AI is junk, with the baddies blobbing around. Melee combat is 'best' with melee meaning a spamming of blobby sprite waving - RPG combat that would have been poor in 1990. Stoners like the game since they can still 'play' it fully baked.


There's a very good reason the game is so reviled. Beth's dishonesty and cynicism is actually only a small part of this.


From Beth's POV, the game lives or dies purely from the Atom Store revenue. Not gameplay. Not fun. Just the amount of money children and vulnerable adults are spending in the Atom Store. With THAT focus, why would you even expect FO:76 to be worth considering in the first place?


PS a LOT of people online are actually financially contraced to Beth to promote the game, including in this forum. Windy nebulous 'narrative' posts are almost all paid promotion. They are easy to spot. Semi-positive posts with a good chunk of anger at broken issues are pretty much all the genuine non-paid 'somewhat pro' posts.


FO:76 is the very opposite of any kind of GOOD game- but some people are clearly having as much fun playing it as they would other titles available this season. Myself, I'd beg people on the PC to discover a WIDER world of computer gaming- to look at the astonishing number of very interesting games on Steam from small indy devs. Beth has given us not one interesting thing in FO:76- indeed the game, online aside, is defined by how much content from Fallout:4 they REMOVED- and Fallout 4 was as simple-minded as you get.


Fallout 3 was an astonishing game- as was Skyrim. Today Beth is vastly bigger, but vastly LESS ambitious re:complexity in their games. FO:76 is a game for very low brow dummies. You can TRY to make yourself still think you are having fun in 76, but wouldn't it be better to be playing a game with far more self-respect? Todd Howard wants people who will spend 60 dollars on an utterly broken mess, and then pay hundreds of dollars more in the Atom Store. If that is Todd's ideal 'customer' do YOU think you fit that description?

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Zanity, you make valid criticisms of the game, and this happens to be a thread where you're not completely derailing the topic in order insult Bethesda, so it's fine- but do you really have to go out of your way to insult people who do enjoy it?

I'd recommend it to people who enjoy crafting/exploration with some light survival aspects. It certainly isn't a game I would universally recommend, but it satisfies a particular niche that I happen to fall into.

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Since you have so much spare time on your hands why don't you join in and play Fallout 76 with me. My user name is the same in game. So you can't miss my character. If you want; you can play it just to assassinate me without getting into trouble with the law. I would, of course, respawn and respawn and respawn and respawn and respawn and respawn and respawn and respawn and respawn and get under your skin like a game of solitaire where you would lose and lose and lose and lose and lose until one hand you played where you WIN! Of course, the hand you played where you finally win doing whatever it is you would do to my in game character would be the day I no longer can play the game. The day the ground comes up to greet me and I can't get up.


President Trump said and I quote, "I like playing the game." Referring to the games he played and plays even today. He wouldn't have it any other way. He made it very clear it would be a sad day for him if he couldn't play the game of life he plays anymore.


IMO these video games are just like the books in the library and I will, eventually, read their introduction, if I read nothing more. I won't accept your opinion at that time, then, about them, because you won't likely be standing somewhere in between books shelves critiquing each book loudly before I read it's intro.


Here another fact I have just had arise in my mind. I don't care what you think of President Trump. He's not me, or you. And you, doing these posts, are not ever going to become anymore then a scientist rating people who make up the video game companies and the games.


If by some coincidence I nailed the type of job you have and you get paid to do it... Woo Hoo! LUCKY YOU!

Is there anything inzane about what you do for a living in your opinion?


Tell us all, here, who can read this, What company pays you to do what you do?


Is the following what you do for a living?


  On 12/4/2018 at 6:13 PM, zanity said:

Go watch any of the power player videos on Youtube to 'get' what the 'game loop' is. They play in teams and are 'optimal' with respect to the rules of the game.


1) farming - tedious respawn points where groups of 'beasts' drop 'essential' crafting items like springs

2) upgrading your 'stats' using the above.

3) farming from the SAME 'beasts' but with a 'higher' level, so you can 'upgrade' to a higher level to fight the same poorly animated blobs to farm, and on and on and on.


You'd need to be mentally deranged to find this any kind of fun.


The MOST optimistic of would-be solo player all claimed the holotape quests got terminally boring after the third.


Base building is nerfed to an infinite degree. If you are used to what the PC modded version of Fallout 4 offers, FO:76 in comparison is a complete waste of space.


Which leaves the general 'bumming around' of the new world space in a Fallout 4 like fashion- perhaps the most conventional 'fun' a FO:76 player has. And what's that worth at most? 10-15 dollars?


But remember the CODE of FO:76 is a massive down-step from Fallout:4 (or even Skyrim). Beth had to essentially cut everything out to even get the game running as badly as it does. The pro reviewers were most disgusted about this aspect of a supposed AAA full-price game. How little you get, and how poor the ambitions of the game.


AI is junk, with the baddies blobbing around. Melee combat is 'best' with melee meaning a spamming of blobby sprite waving - RPG combat that would have been poor in 1990. Stoners like the game since they can still 'play' it fully baked.


There's a very good reason the game is so reviled. Beth's dishonesty and cynicism is actually only a small part of this.


From Beth's POV, the game lives or dies purely from the Atom Store revenue. Not gameplay. Not fun. Just the amount of money children and vulnerable adults are spending in the Atom Store. With THAT focus, why would you even expect FO:76 to be worth considering in the first place?


PS a LOT of people online are actually financially contraced to Beth to promote the game, including in this forum. Windy nebulous 'narrative' posts are almost all paid promotion. They are easy to spot. Semi-positive posts with a good chunk of anger at broken issues are pretty much all the genuine non-paid 'somewhat pro' posts.


FO:76 is the very opposite of any kind of GOOD game- but some people are clearly having as much fun playing it as they would other titles available this season. Myself, I'd beg people on the PC to discover a WIDER world of computer gaming- to look at the astonishing number of very interesting games on Steam from small indy devs. Beth has given us not one interesting thing in FO:76- indeed the game, online aside, is defined by how much content from Fallout:4 they REMOVED- and Fallout 4 was as simple-minded as you get.


Fallout 3 was an astonishing game- as was Skyrim. Today Beth is vastly bigger, but vastly LESS ambitious re:complexity in their games. FO:76 is a game for very low brow dummies. You can TRY to make yourself still think you are having fun in 76, but wouldn't it be better to be playing a game with far more self-respect? Todd Howard wants people who will spend 60 dollars on an utterly broken mess, and then pay hundreds of dollars more in the Atom Store. If that is Todd's ideal 'customer' do YOU think you fit that description?


I just decided to copy and paste this into a legal case so if it gets Deleted from this Thread I can use it as a supposition in a case if anyone wonders about your zanity. :woot: :dance: :laugh:

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The patches Bethesda applied today answered the call of people with video monitor and video card limited settings. FOV is one of the adjustable features added to the Video settings among others. Seems like Bethesda's people are reading our posts and taking action to serve the people who bought the game.


So post your Mod wishes at Bethesdanet Community too.


So we can ALL get back to the game and enjoy.

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