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Silly suggestions


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Maybe the stick is his spine? and you get it from killing him?

His head, stuck on his own spine? Neat.


Or a mod that adds the heads of your victims from the DB quest on a pike outside of the cheydinhal abandoned house after you kill them.

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Adoring fan cannon. mounted conveniently atop dive rock. fire away.


Butch from FO3 vs. Adoring fan. Both annoying. Both voiced by same person. Both gonna die.


pit of angry wolves. like the black pit from 300, but with angry wolves.


the raccoon from family guy that pops out of random places and claws peoples faces.

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One for vain people:


A spell called Narcissim with 'Charm 100 on Self' as a visible effect, and when you cast it it makes your face become the ugliest thing on earth and your Personality goes down to 0, and then the spell is removed from your inventory. There's a mod that makes Emperor be really ugly, that face would fit the spell.

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1. The ability to stab yourself (to death).

2. 1st person eating animationz!!!

3. Cast a spell that casts a spell that casts a spell that casts a spell that casts a... it's basically a skill-grind spell.

4. Cannibalize yourself.

5. King for a Day - sit in the throne of a count or countess, early in the morning, before they sit in it, and you're king for a day!!!

... or queen.

6. Rumors are different and very ... revealing when NPCs are drunk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, seeing that such silly things are the main reason I come here, a few ideas that have not, to my knowlege, been modded yet.


Toilet mount: hover around the landscape on an indestructable john!

Puking spell: I got the idea after playing Postal 2; cause people to promptly bend over and share their last meal with the world (and no, I don't envision this producing any viable ingredients)

Anything 4chan related: the idea of "chargin' a lazer" immediately jumps to mind

Pengu-suit: After applying the Yurulivion mod, this immediately came to mind. If anyone here has watched Azumanga Daioh, you know what I'm talking about. I'm thinking it would add +50 to Charisma, -25 to Agility, and compel random people to come up to you and knock you over.

Headcrabs: count as light armor.

Hidden Cows: something that turns the minotaurs in the game into the possessed, polearm-weilding cows from the Hidden Cow Level in Diablo 2.

Live ammunition: again inspired by Postal 2, using small animals like kittens, chickens, or fish as ammunition in a bow.

Scientist Slaughterhouse, Mod Messup 1: WTF mod for Half-life 1: Check the video, and you'll understand why I'd like to convert this to Oblivion. Just think of having your enemies run at you screaming "DRINK YO PRUNE JUICE!"


Edit: Further brainfarts

Pinatas: full of gems, cheese, fruit, assorted clutter, etc.

Sexual-awareness activist: You ever go to a college campus and see a guy dressed as a penis handing out safe sex pamphlets and condoms? Okay, now imagine him standing outside the Arcane University...

Concrete armor: modeled after the infamous Killdozer, it's really friggin heavy.

Wheelchair mount: I'm thinking standard model and/or armored Stephen Hawking model

Chameleon Argonians: No, I don't mean partially cloaked Argonians. I mean a breed of Argonians modeled after the real lizards, with big creasted heads, horns, and big googly eyes that constantly swivel every which way (even during conversations). Curly tails and fused fingers optional.

Sneaking scenery: Inspired by such games as Giants: Citizen Kabuto and Metal Gear Solid, this involves equiping pieces of scenery in humorous ways that augment one's sneak skill. Hold a branch in front of you with your free hand, wear a bush, pull a barrel or crate over yourself.

Falling anvils: summon anvils out of the air to fall on a target's head, stunning them for several seconds.

Home-run bat: from Super Smash Brothers

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sometimes, I can't help it. I'll be in the game, playing, and all of a sudden I'll think of something really silly for a mod suggestion. It's especially rough when it seems too serious. Anyway, what I'd like is people to post the strangest/oddest ideas they can come up with here. Who knows? maybe a modder will give a crack at it.


1- Enchanted Codpiece. This, when all your weapons break, can be removed from your...uh...cod and used as a flail. As a codpiece, it can be enchanted. "Glowing codpiece of DOOOMMMM!!"


2- working toilets. I've yet to see a RPG with this...could be a first.


3- New Spell. Flaming Cheeks of doom...you bend over...well, you get the idea.


4- non traditional roles for characters...how many times have you seen a 'dark warrior with a mysterious past?"..doesn't this and the rest get old after a while? How about:


An elf who's secret wish is to be a lumberjack

A cleric/knight with Tourette's syndrome...can you imagine prayer with them?

A necromancer who faints at the sight of blood

A bard who stutters

A druid taxidermist


5- peasants...well, the world looks empty without them. The wolves would have something to drag off.


These are just a few off the top of my head. Feel free to post your own.


Now over 50 or more silly suggestions throughout the thread...each group of 5 contains one real idea..see if you can guess which one is the real one?



BRILLIANT! I particularly like the unorthodox classes. But how would one go about doing an elf that wants to be a lumberjack? Would he have the option to live out his dream, or be doomed forever to some dreary day job of dungeon-crawling?

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