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SKSE64 not working, help?


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First you need to stop auto-updates go to steam, right-click on skyrim se and go to properties, on the second tab change the option to "update only when I launch the game"..
That way if you only launch from skse loader it will never update unless you want to
If you replace with the old .exe without stoping auto updates it will auto update again right after you replace it...

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We need somebody who knows the depository code for 1.5.53. You can re-download the exe for it and replace it in your SkyrimSE root folder and that will trick SKSE64 into thinking it's 1.5.53 and you can play again.
I only have the code for 1.5.50 but, like you, I am using SKSE64 v2.0.10... which is not compatible with SSE 1.5.50.

You COULD revert back to 1.5.50 and revert your SKSE64 version to match the 1.5.50 version of SSE.... but if any of your mods specifically require the most recent version of SKSE64, then doing that will break your game.
If you don't want to risk reverting back to 1.5.50 (or even 1.5.39, as that one seems to be a popular version) and nobody can provide us with a depot number for 1.5.53... our only option is to wait for SKSE64 to be updated.

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Turns out there's this lovely website that had the information for the depots we needed. Do this; be warned, though, I do not take responsibility for any broken saves that MIGHT happen. I'm 90% sure that the 1.5.63 update was just a bunch of Creation Kit crap... like it usually is... and will have no actual affect on SKSE64 and this lil exe hack we're doing. In the event that I'm wrong, well, any saves we make moving forward will be corrupt. Previous saves you already have will be fine, so if this does break your game (again, I'm 90% sure it won't), just reload a previous save once SKSE64 gets updated -> that means that whenever SKSE64 DOES get updated for SSE 1.5.63, you need to update both, back up your EXEs, and then turn off that stupid autodownload feature that caused this problem in the first place. I just started my SSE playthrough a couple months ago, so I wasn't thinking about this.


Anyway, here you go:


Open Steam Console by opening your Windows menu and typing "run" and pasting this into the bar and clicking enter:

That will open up Steam Console Command
To get SkyrimSE.exe v1.5.53, paste this:
download_depot 489830 489833 911281757511576655
It will tell you where it downloaded to (it'll be in your steam folder). Just copy and paste the downloaded exe file into your Skyrim ROOT folder (clicking yes to replace/over-write). Boom. Done. This is how a lot of people get around this issue with updates. Just remember, turn off that auto-update so it doesn't keep happening!
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Be sure to go to your Steam Skyrim update settings and set automatic updates to only update when you launch it (from Steam, always launch from SKSE shortcut to prevent game update)

Instructions to get back to previous update to continue being able to use current SKSE

Press Windows + R

Input: steam://nav/console

In the console: download_depot 489830 489833 4140371450004190946

Check https://steamdb.info...9833/manifests/ for the latest manifest ID! This is the last number in that command, and has probably changed if you're viewing this months later.

Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\content\app_489830\depot_489833

Cut or Copy the SkyrimSE.exe

Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition

Paste the SkyrimSE.exe, overwriting when prompted.

Also to anyone else, Apparently all .ESMs have been downloaded again, so we need to clean them again with SSEEdit.

"Skyrim - Patch.bsa" & "Skyrim - Shaders.bsa" were downloaded again as well.

Edited by pyroriot57
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I am a little bit afraid of doing something wrong.

So.. I think I'll wait, til SKSE will be updated. If I do, and when it is updated, I have to wait till some mods who use SKSE are updated too?
And when they dont get updates, I'll have a problem - is that right? :sad:

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DOWNLOAD "SkyrimSE.exe Auto Backup" Mod to avoid this in the future.



The depot you are giving is for version 1.5.3 and NOT 1.5.53, to anyone seeing this don't try this it's for an older version


The correct one for 1.5.53 is: download_depot 489830 489833 4140371450004190946



Thanks ! Much appreciated.

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