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Skyrim more fun on the 360?


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I have had Skyrim on the PC since release, and I have found that I spend waaaaaaaaaaay more time looking for mods than playing the actual game. I'm not too interested in all those anime - skimpy armor mods, or those ENB effects that make the game look crazy - i'm just interested in content. If it can keep me playing without distractions such as " oh look at that texture, doesn't seem too good...hmmm...Maybe i'll go install another mod."


I think I have spent much more time looking for mods than actually playing the game.

Edited by MrGoldenAge
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Sure, you spend a considerable amount of time fiddling with mods, but the payoff of being able to have all these mods to choose from on the PC version of Skyrim are so, so worth it and just elevate it way beyond what you get from the game on the consoles. No PC Gaming Master Race elitist stuff here, I play consoles and I own two from the current gen, it is just that TES games are definitely the best on PC. Edited by Dubnoman
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I started out with Skyrim on XBox, but lost interest in the game too soon....having now tried it on PC with Mods, I'm sold....the mods add so much more to the game and send it's replay value through the roof...I have been so impressed with how much more the mods add to the game I have now also bought Oblivion, Fallout3 and FalloutNV for PC gaming.
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I started with Oblivion on 360 and basically became a PC gamer because of it. That said, I would say I spent more time making sure mods didn't conflict while still getting the features I wanted out of them, so I spent a lot of time fiddling with stuff in the CS. I won't say it was always fun, especially when you find something awesome and wanna jump right in, but overall I found using/creating/editing mods to be fun even though I spent more time working outside the game than being in it.


Skyrim on the other hand, I haven't played on 360 because well, I don't have consoles anymore like I said above lol but even so, I've not installed many mods in Skyrim, so I can't say for sure concerning it. That's partially because I'm very much a lore junkie, but also because I don't want to install something a DLC or update will take care of, like what has already happened to me with Dragonbone Weapons lol Although I like the mod better, but that's another story.


Anyway, to answer the thread itself, I think PC offers more possibility for fun, but I totally agree it's easy to get into the realm of spending more time finding/updating/etc mods than actually playing. So many options can be overwhelming in a way, really.



Also MrGoldenAge, about skimpy/anime/etc stuff, have you blocked those tags? Just wondering, you may have but it's worth mentioning since I run into a lot of people who don't know about it yet. If you haven't, it'll help you a bit to get the best Nexus experience and block out those kinds of mods. I also don't like ENB and skimpy stuff personally, and it's helped me a lot for the latter. (No tags for ENB though.)

Edited by AxlRocks
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Yeah I couldn't imagine playing on a console. I used to find myself getting too involved in modding the game as well. Now I try to just install mods about once a month. I will browse the mods section while I'm at work and track any that look cool then after a few weeks I'll take an evening (or two) to just download, install, update, and test mods.


I find that this gives the mods I'm using time to update to new versions and for at least a few well made new mods to surface. Though just the other day my tracked files list was cleared somehow, that kinda bummed me out.

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With the pc you can do whatever you want, you craft the game like you wish, there is a bug you can solve it with both the CK or the console command. Why there is console versions of bethesda games (TES and FALLOUT) as well as more sales on the same is beyond me.
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Started out on the PS3. Never played it on the 360 but I can tell you there is no comparison. PC all the way!




And the whole MOD thing?It's like opening a present only to find a larger one inside. My list of playthroughs and Skyrim world experiments to try is virtually limitless. There isn't anything else out there that offers that kind of value. I still have two great titles I got for christmas that I haven't even played yet.

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