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"Error: No sound driver available for use" popping up when editing dialogue


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I keep getting an error message saying "Error: No sound driver available for use" every time I open the dialogue window in a quest. Best info I could find seems to imply that this has nothing to do with the GECK itself and that it's something to do with the sound/audio driver not working correctly. Note that I also have Fallout NV installed on drive D, so maybe it isn't recognizing the audio driver because it's not on that drive? Just figured I'd post about it on here first before I go re-installing Fallout NV and the GECK on drive C to see if that works.


A screenshot of the error message https://i.imgur.com/rHzBIwu.jpg

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It's not necessarily an audio driver problem.


The form in the GECK where you edit dialog is also where you record audio for that dialog. If you do not have a microphone or some sort of line input connected to your computer, the GECK can't find anything to record audio from and gives you that error.


Plug in a microphone and the error will go away. I personally have a 6-channel audio mixing board plugged into my line input. Something plugged into the line input will also make the error go away.


If you have something plugged into one of your sound card's inputs and you still have the error, then you have an audio driver problem.


It doesn't matter where your GECK is installed. Mine is also on drive D.

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Unfortunately I don't have a microphone or anything to plug into the microphone port. Not a big problem anyway, since getting rid of that error message is mostly just a matter of annoyance (everything works fine, but I'm getting sick of clicking that thing off every time I open a window).


I only started getting that error message after I switched to a new PC with Windows 10, it never came up once on my old rig and I never had anything plugged into the microphone port back then. I'm willing to just let it go if it boils down to "Windows 10 problems" as usual. It's just a harmless error message after all.

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I get the same error on my Windows 7 computer if I don't have either a mic or my mixing board plugged in. It's not a Windows 10 specific issue.


Some audio drivers will have a virtual audio source of some sort that will be enough for the GECK to think that it has some sort of audio device to record from. If nothing else, many audio drivers used to have a loopback so that they could record whatever was going out through the speakers. Microsoft and the audio driver manufacturers have moved away from this since some folks were using it to illegally record the audio off of youtube videos and the like.


I'm betting that the audio driver for your old system had a loopback.


Check the settings for your sound card. Basically, you need to make something show up under your recording options that isn't listed as disconnected, and the GECK will be happy. The GECK doesn't care what it is or if it is even functional at a practical level. It just needs a device there for input that isn't disconnected.


If all else fails, as Mktavish said, plug your headphones into your mic input.

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I believe I found a fix. I went looking around in the Windows control panel and found an option labeled "Stereo Mix (Realtek Audio)" (I have no idea what it does) under input options, and enabled it. That annoying error popup in the GECK is gone now. It doesn't seem to have done anything besides make the GECK shut up about the sound driver.


Oh and btw, plugging headphones into the microphone port did nothing (Windows 10 tends to be insanely fussy about any external hardware you've got plugged in, so that's no surprise).


Just figured I'd leave this here for anyone else experiencing that error message -- "Stereo Mix (Realtek Audio)" was located under Control Panel \ System \ Sound \ Input \ Device Properties. There should be a drop-down box in the Device Properties window that lets you enable it.


No idea if every computer has that option (mine's a Dell) but at least it appears to have worked for me :/

Edited by PineappleSurprise
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I believe I found a fix. I went looking around in the Windows control panel and found an option labeled "Stereo Mix (Realtek Audio)" (I have no idea what it does) under input options, and enabled it. That annoying error popup in the GECK is gone now. It doesn't seem to have done anything besides make the GECK shut up about the sound driver.


Oh and btw, plugging headphones into the microphone port did nothing (Windows 10 tends to be insanely fussy about any external hardware you've got plugged in, so that's no surprise).


Just figured I'd leave this here for anyone else experiencing that error message -- "Stereo Mix (Realtek Audio)" was located under Control Panel \ System \ Sound \ Input \ Device Properties. There should be a drop-down box in the Device Properties window that lets you enable it.


No idea if every computer has that option (mine's a Dell) but at least it appears to have worked for me :/


That's the loopback that I was talking about. In my experience, many (most?) audio drivers do not have it as an option these days.

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