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Heart of Hearts

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Approved, and well thought out! ^^ I approve! (Also, you spelled Farthen Dur correctly, just ditch the hyphen :P The capital is called Uru'Baen, or Illirea)


I wanted to have time to re-read the series before this thing starts off officially, but I am thinking I may only have time to re-read the final book... I want to have everything fresh in my head, and everything from Eragon to Brisingr is pretty much ingrained in my head already... :P

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Name: Artarion Whitestrake


Age: 55


Gender: Male


Alignment: Situational


Race: Human




Personality: Artarion is a man of caution, he is quick and careful, he does what he must to survive and succeed. Though when the time calls for it he can be cold and as deadly as the finest steel. He is a man of respect, a man who believes respect is earned not granted. Artarion is also a man of trust, a man who would keep the darkest secret until death greets him. Artarion, during times of peace he is a generous man he is known to give to the poor, taking in those who seem to be fit for whatever job he thinks they are well enough to do. Artarion is simply put a man of all kinds.


Weapon: Artarion wields a longsword. The hilt is embroided with gold, beyond it's large and frightening pommel a leather strap hangs from it, dangling a blue diamond that would seem as if it would shine in the night. Upon the blade the words "The Kindness of Death" is engraved upon the side of its killing edges.


Dragon(if Applicable, Name,scale color etc)


Appearance:His face shows experience, upon his elder like face is a long scar running down from his left cheek, down his lip and to his chin that was made by the grace of a dagger. Slight wrinkles are known to be shown upon his face, his cheekbones are of a rather elegant and simple design. His rugged hair slicked back, shining with grey and white strands. His eyes are grey, small in a sorts but when they look at you the feeling of intimidation wash's over those who stare back at him.

He is 6'2 quite tall for a man, his bulk is of the appearance of strength and dexterity.


(Picture of Artarion) My link


Clothing:Upon his body is plate mail, His left arm is equipped with a reinforced steel pauldron that guards his vulnerable sword arm. His right is not armored, rather it is covered by a regal bluish tunic which is embroiled with gold along the sleeve and collar.

Over his armor is a tabard of sorts made of red silk made by the finest tailors, stitched together with wolf fur that runs from his chest to his back.


History/background: (Location still not decided) Artarion, he was raised within Teirm his whole life, he battled through poverty, fought for men who had power over others. He was a boy who rose through the ranks, learning how to survive within a world without mercy. As a young lad he served a man Lucius, a small time business man who controlled a few taverns and brothels. Every week he would send Artarion to get his payment and Artarion was what you called muscle. For years he served under Lucius, learning the trade of being a man who owned territory, Lucius soon realized that Artarion had a gift, a gift that would soon be put to task. So, Artarion learned the ways of working territories, fighting for them and killing who ever got in his way. He hired muscle, assassins, wizards , professional thieves and every single little detail you can think of he began exponentially gaining territory, and soon after he saw that he could lead his men he off'ed his boss, only to take his place. Though now, a new threat arises Artarion is faced by another man who challenges his seat of power within the industry of territorial gain and control. The countless Taverns, Brothels, Gambling rooms, Inn's, and even guard barracks were now threatened . Artarion now faces economic failure and a war that could destroy him.


(If you happen to have a problem with the setup I wish, I assure you I -will- not be OP'ing him at all I will play him responsibly and realistically)

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I'll post a finished character sheet within the following hours when it's less of an hour of much needed sleep. :)
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(Here we are! Hopefully everything is in order and there's no information that counters anything else!)



Name: Savantra (suh-VAN-trah) (a rehaul of the Hindu name Savitri, the daughter of the Hindi sun god Savitr)


Age: 26


Gender: Female


Alignment: Any crime, secret remorse for unfound death on her hands


Race: Human


Deity: None


Personality: Temperamental and loud in spite of her regal appearance. Keeps no one close. Socializes with her high-class brethren with one thing in mind: gold. Intelligent, prefers theft over actual hard work for the sake of the thrill.


Weapon: Bow


Dragon: None


Appearance: http://oi52.tinypic.com/flvrxy.jpg

Savantra is a pale woman with flaming red hair that she keeps under her hood from any possible witnesses during her crimes. Her eyes are icy blue-grey, and is a formidable-looking human with regal and elegant features. She is tall for a human woman, standing at 5'11, and has a rather muscled yet light structure built for her secret line of work. Her movements are with purpose, and her hands and feet quick as light. The mysterious sun-shaped mark on her forehead is a mystery to all including herself, the irony reflected in her moonlit trade.


Clothing: She dons herself extravagantly during social events with the upper-echelon individuls she cavorts with and dresses in rich, luxurious colours while sporting a layer of makeup and an equally-regal hairstyle. Much more often she keeps herself as hidden and nondistinct in appearance as possible, wearing dark cloth and leather to keep herself light on her feet. She wears a dark fabric long-sleeved top with unaddorned leather bracers and pauldrons along with fabric leggings and leather boots with muffling material on the soles, fitted and without sashes or extra fabric so that nothing gets caught.


History/background: Savantra grew up with a traveling band of pagans who had found her as a child many years ago. Although they focused only on their worship, they often thieved in order to get by. During an unsucessful break-in in a town near Belatona by a few of these thieves, they were arrested and placed at a guard's outpost where they would wait for the legate to arrive and give verdict. However as the moon rose, the few guards who were at the outpost noticed the screams of what sounded like a woman nearby, who was secretly another member creating a simple diversion. Bound, the arrested pagans simply watched the assigned guards travel through the underbrush into the forest where the scream had come from. Suddenly, with a flash of fiery red before their eyes, the ropes around their hands and the poles of the outpost fell to the ground, and a pair of icy eyes peered up at them with necklaces of pure silver pushed under their noses. Surprised at this young red-haired girl's skill and desire for thrills, they took her in and trained her in their art, and continued to traverse Alagaesia. They were a poor group in appearance, but were hiding vast sums of gold in their caravan, spoils from various successful thievery attempts on Savantra's part. As she grew, she held incredible skill and developed her strengths in thieving: in remaining almost entirely undetected, picking her way into otherwise sealed chambers and sharpshooting targets at long range with her bow. After her 20th birthday, her group became less inclined to keep her in that she instead revered in the godly power of money. One morning, Savantra was mysteriously gone after months of slowly being isolated by the others, along with nearly all of their salvaged gold. She remained undetected for a long time; always arriving and leaving cities without anyone's notice and always with a new bagful of coin and jewels. Finding a decent manor in Ceunon, Savantra purchased the house and property from the previous land-owner and kicked the last resident out, making sure the deed was in her hands only. Ever since then, she has made her debutante and fashioned herself amongst high societal individuals, oftentimes with her hand in their pockets. To this day, there is only one thing she cares about just as equally as the world's riches, and that's attempting to find the meaning behind the mark on her forehead.

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