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Adding Mods causing New Game restart


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Hi There!

Been playing for about a year and a half and like most, tried out tons of mods. I know and understand about adding mods but, never deleting them if possible or at least in the proper way.

Having said that, here's my issue. I recently upgraded FO4 and decided to start a new game, different character. Did that, all well. Loaded my large LO of mods, no probs. Found a new radio mod added it. Load game and CTD. Figured it was new mod. (not sure how, never got to save game with new mod), but i digress.

Removed mod, loaded previous save, same thing. No matter what I did, CTD.

So I started new game with radio mod added. No problems at all. Checked this with several other mods. Same issue.

Every time I add a mod it makes me restart new game. Now it never did this before on previous saved games. I had no problem adding or removing mods and it never made me restart from scratch.

Does anyone know of this issue or what mod would or could cause this to happen? Could it have been the new upgrade of FO4 itself that's doing this?

So you know, my LO has worked consistently across all my characters (4 atm). Some with full LO and some with only partial LO loaded. Now none of them work. If I load new mod on 1 ALL 4 are affected and that sucks.

Any thoughts or useful suggestions greatly appreciated.

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I understand that HadToRegister, but it never did that before. I could add or remove mods with minor issues. (I learned my lesson though).

For example. Lets say I added "radio mod A" to game. Went into saved game and gave it a try. It didn't work for me so I, without saving game, used qqq in tilde screen, to leave game. I would remove "radio mod A" and then go back into saved game I was just in. Game played fine with no forced new game.

Now if I do that same thing today, which I did, it makes me start new game. That's my issue. I don't know why it does that now when it never did before. Confusing as all get out.

Thanks for the advice though.

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Well, after going thru all esp's and esl's and every other file associated with FO4 I found a fix. Don't know if this will help anyone else but I felt it best to post anyway. You never know, right?

I couldn't find any mod conflict that caused the original problem and that just drove me nuts! Then I remembered reading here on Forums a while back that some people had CTD and save loading issues after upgrading the FO4 file thru Steam. They just reverted back to previous version until a more stable version came out at which time they would update then. So I thought, "why not? Couldn't hurt to try it."

I reverted back to version for FO4 and version 0.6.13 for F4SE and to Mod Configuration Menu 1.32 since those were the most recent updated changes for me. So what happened you ponder? IT WORKED!

Game is stable with zero issues. Yes I tested it by adding new mods and no issues at all. I even did the upgrades again to be sure. Same issues. Removed them and back to working.

Now, like I said, may not work for all who have the issue but it did for me and I feel I should at least put it here just in case... for the next person.

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