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Uses for "Clear Skies" outside of the two obvious ones


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I can't seem to find or think of any use for Clear Skies beyond the two quest-scripted uses when you fight Alduin and when you go to Paarthurax...


any uses for this thing or is it a waste of space?

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Actually, yes there is. It helps you change the weather. Shout it over Markarth or Riften on a foggy day and see the difference... But other than that, nope, ain't really useful in a battle ;0)
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Yea. I just noticed it can clear weather.


I was in Sovngarde and summoned a storm to hopefully help fight Alduin. When Alduin was defeated, I noticed the storm was hitting those three hero peoples as well. Lack of a better idea, I tried Clear Sky aimed straight up at my storm:


It blew a friggin hole in the sky, getting rid of even that big swirly sky effect as well as my storm, lol.

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You can also use it to counter Alduin's Meteor Storm, but just tap the Shout button, so you can juggle it out with Dragonrend. Very handy for fighting the Big Bad.

I didn't know that :) that's a good tip!

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