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Any mod to change the barter menu?


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I was looking for a mod to modify the barter menu and there doesn't seem to be one. Lots of mods to edit the HUD and inventory screens, but not the barter screen.


What I'd like to do is move the two lists farther to the sides. Then the object stats that show up in the middle when you select an inventory item, I'd like to move down and shrink.


The goal is that when you're transferring apparel to a companion or settler and telling them to equip them, I'd like to be able to actually see them without that item stats thing floating in the way.


I've found the mod DEF_UI, and the swf files for the interface components (now that I think about it, I'm not sure if the interface swf files were there because of DEF_UI or not), but I don't have any way to edit swf. A quick google didn't turn up any good free tools and I can't afford a full blown Adobe whatever-its-called-now-formerly-known-as-flash.


So questions:

1) Has anybody already done this and I just haven't found it?

2) Can anybody recommend an swf editor and a tutorial on how to use it?

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I was looking for a mod to modify the barter menu and there doesn't seem to be one. Lots of mods to edit the HUD and inventory screens, but not the barter screen.


What I'd like to do is move the two lists farther to the sides. Then the object stats that show up in the middle when you select an inventory item, I'd like to move down and shrink.


The goal is that when you're transferring apparel to a companion or settler and telling them to equip them, I'd like to be able to actually see them without that item stats thing floating in the way.


I've found the mod DEF_UI, and the swf files for the interface components (now that I think about it, I'm not sure if the interface swf files were there because of DEF_UI or not), but I don't have any way to edit swf. A quick google didn't turn up any good free tools and I can't afford a full blown Adobe whatever-its-called-now-formerly-known-as-flash.


So questions:

1) Has anybody already done this and I just haven't found it?

2) Can anybody recommend an swf editor and a tutorial on how to use it?


DEF_UI already changes the barter menu, it makes it longer with smaller fonts.


Did you run the SETUP.exe in your interface folder?

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DEF_UI already changes the barter menu, it makes it longer with smaller fonts.


Did you run the SETUP.exe in your interface folder?



Yes. That did change it a bit, but not enough. I'd like to customize it further.

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Use https://www.free-decompiler.com/flash to edit the SWF files.


The vanilla Interface\*.swf files are included in Data\Fallout4 - Interface.ba2. You can use B.A.E. - Bethesda Archive Extractor to extract them if you want (but if you installed DEF_UI then there's no need for this).


The file you want to edit is ContainerMenu.swf. Probably you'll want to edit the DefineSprite (122: ContainerMenu), it is the one that seems to contain the player inventory, container inventory and item card. To change the position on screen for an element update the translateX and translateY from matrix (if is missing then set placeFlagHasMatrix = true). Note that the coordinates are in twips, with 1 twip = 20 pixels (but the flash is usually scaled, because the UI is for 1280x720 pixels). The scaling for elements is done from matrix too (enable hasScale flag) and the value you enter is divided by 65536 (or 65535? but I think is the first one). So 32768 for scale means 0.5.

Edited by Wolfmark
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