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Starting New Fallout 4 Game; What Mods Do You Recommend?


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I'm going to assume you already played so gloves off when it comes to spoilers.


If you're into quest enhancing type of mods with voice acting and good immersion you could try Fusion City+Outcasts and Remnants+Project Valkyrie which opens up the possibility to peacefully unite all the factions instead of destroying some of them. (Or you can choose to destroy all 4.) Just got updated.


Further, if you want to Nora/Nate to survive and cure Father's cancer, you'll need Nora Companion/Dual Survivors + Father Companion.


If you want to kill specific NPCs that are immune but you still want there to be a barrier against randomly killing essential NPCs, you can use The Overcharged Molecular Destabilizer. A mod for the gamma gun that allows you to weaken any NPC so they're not longer immune to death. (The gun itself is pretty weak though, so you'll still need a proper weapon to kill the NPC. It's not a one-shot weapon.)


This opens up some interesting possibilities like killing everyone in the Institute as Director and getting to run the entire place by yourself. Or simply killing Garvey.

Edited by ToroMontana
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