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FONV Vortex cannot find executable


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I have been trying to get new vegas to run with vortex but it cannot seem to find either the nvse nor the falloutnv .exe's. I have removed NMM, deleted all my old mods and backed up saves on to a usb stick, a clean install of fonv and nvse (ran it twice before I ran Vortex, runs fine with the nvseloader and the falloutnv .exe's ), and tried to manually set the folder which contains the .exe's. I also read through the support pages to see if anyone else is having this issue but I didn't see anything.


The only thing I can add is when I did a version check on nvse it says version 5 when the instructions say it should say 1. Also running fonv through steam.


The error message is:

Executable: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\nvse_5_0_beta2\nvse_5_0_beta2\nvse_loader.exe


I am not tech savy, I have zero understanding how this is all supposed to work. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

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The error message is:

Executable: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\nvse_5_0_beta2\nvse_5_0_beta2\nvse_loader.exe



The "nvse_loader.exe" file should be in the game folder on the same level as "FalloutNV.exe." The executable should read: C:\Steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\nvse_loader.exe.

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