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Another update coming. Don't forget to back up your .exes


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It won't matter because the Steam client is still going to update it when it launches - because that's exactly what the setting says it'll do. As soon as it sees you've started SkyrimSE.exe it will flag the game for update. Won't happen while the game is actually running, but once you shut down, that's it. Update time.


The only two 100% foolproof methods to prevent updates are:


1. Never close the game down.

2. Pull the plug on your internet.

Dammit. Thx for the explanation Arthmoor.


My long-time love/hate relationship with Bethesda keeps leaning more and more towards hate... :wallbash:

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@chazzranger: This isn't a Bethesda issue, it's a Steam issue. That's just how their client works. Regardless of how clever people think they're being with masking updates. It's not an option Bethesda can control unless they take the games off of Steam and put them on GoG or their own platform instead, where disabling updates is actually possible.

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If I've set SSE to only update when launched, and I only ever launch through SKSE, is there a reason to back up my .exes? I'm finding conflicting info on all this.


My experience seems to differ from some, but I have Skyrim SE set only to update when launched, and I have kept Steam in offline mode when I play. I use SKSE to play, and I can usually avoid the update for a little while. You don't lose anything by backing up the .exes, so it's never a bad idea, as you can always just choose not to use them. I do it because, in case I forget to go offline before playing, and end up getting the update before I'm ready, I can use the older .exes to play, until SKSE and any dependent mods are updated. I don't do this to put off updating for long term, only to give myself some time and options, so I don't end up with an unplayable game, until SKSE is up to date.

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I simply set Skyrim to update only when i launch the game, and launch it only trough SKSE, and Vortex.


Update is waiting since several days now, and all my other games are updated daily, why would i not update the others. I play also other games on steam, so i'm daily online on steam. I didn't have any trouble with steam updating since, it's still on the waiting list that's sure.


I made a back-up of my exe just in case, and because Steam can be a beast.

I will update my game when i'm sure it will not break the current version of SKSE, and here i have different feedbacks now. I'm patient. :wink:

Edited by Vattende
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