BlueGunk Posted January 26, 2019 Share Posted January 26, 2019 I usually have the "Private Needs" mod, which demands you need a pee and a cr*p from time to time. I always journey with Vilja.I'm having a 'number two' one day (complete with loud farting noise) when Vilja in a moment of pure coincidental timing, happens to say: "Interesting. Who put that there? Hmmm smells like garlic."I was in stitches for minutes after that. Another weird one was with Recorder (follower). We mounted up and I watched her (I kid not) spin rapidly around the body of her horse, and then she flew off to the west in a blur, leaving her bewlidered horse standing there. I had to reload that save to get her back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toren171 Posted February 1, 2019 Share Posted February 1, 2019 Walked into Bits and Pieces to sell some dungeon crap to Sayma. After finishing our deal, I walked out the door, and down to Proudspire to drop some other stuff off when I spy the courier sprinting down the path. Stuffs an inheritance note in my hand with 400 gold saying Sayma has died and left me her money.... W-What..? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
c0ax599 Posted February 3, 2019 Share Posted February 3, 2019 Cool Skyrim too. Ok, this probably isn't that weird compared to some stuff i've seen with the doubling bug errors etc., like 10-15 Louis Letrush's outside of Whiterun.. But, in 2012 or so my first play through, I had Lydia as a follower. We got into a battle with a 3-4 bandits near a cliff on a mountainside. I wasn't a high level yet, so it was tough. After it was over, and they were dead, i started looking around for Lydia. I Never saw her again the whole play through. Never found her body, etc. I figure she fell off the cliff, and i looked and looked for her body..... Never to be found.. That was the first time i felt "pain" in the game like that too. I was kinda upset she was gone. But I also thought, well, that's how it IS irl. Carry on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BUDYSHATVA Posted February 23, 2019 Author Share Posted February 23, 2019 Here is another one happened on a recent play-through, have Imperial race and never change mid-play and in my greater powers I've found the 2 usual suspects:1) Imperial luck, which acts as passive effect by finding more gold.2) Voice of the emperor, which calms nearby NPCs. So far so good, the surprise was to find something along these line:Call your ancient ancestor to fight alongside you until is defeated...!So I've used it and it worked, a male with glass armor and frostbite spell, over-layered in spectral form (ghost like)., e kept following me everywhere without being able to initiate dialogue and dismiss it, eventually died (I guess) and never seen it again, neither the option was available anymore within my "powers" tab of the magic menu. Was that because of a mod I'm not aware of, I could never tell! Another less mysterious incident was when I was wearing Nightingale armor set from a mod and not because I've completed the relevant quest.An Argonian approached me as I was free roaming Skyrim and said something like this: "I've been lucky and made a lot of gold, so here is something for your help on the thieves guild" - 500 gold received. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Langy Posted February 24, 2019 Share Posted February 24, 2019 One of the weirdest things in my Skyrim experience happened a few days ago - I'm playing a rather heavily modded game that I started about seven months ago, then halted for six months and picked up again recently. Had to update a bunch of mods due to the Skyrim SE patch drop between then; this all might explain the weirdness. Anyways, *somehow* my Timescale got set to 0 at *exactly* 6 PM one random day. Some oddities were happening, but I didn't notice what was going on until I tried to sleep - which *immediately* killed my character. It took a few reloads and different attempts to do things before I noticed that it was *always* exactly 6 PM when I tried to rest, at which point I realized that time was stopped. I checked on what my Timescale was set to and it was 0. Well, that's bad I thought - so I set it to the normal value I use (6), saw that that fixed the problem, then reloaded to the point I noticed it being stuck. When I reloaded, my timescale was already set to 6. This was the same save I had been reloading into over and over trying to figure out what was wrong. I don't know what the hell happened, but this Timescale set to 0 thing persisted when turning Skyrim on/off and saving/loading, but when I set the timescale to something reasonable and then loaded a saved game it automatically fixed the problem, as if the timescale change persisted *between* saves. Anyways, it was weird, and I still have no idea how my timescale got set to 0 in the first place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BUDYSHATVA Posted February 24, 2019 Author Share Posted February 24, 2019 It seems like the game engine has mind of its own, short of AI overhaul! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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