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Which ending do you usually go for and why?



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  1. 1. Which end do you generally strive for in the Mojave? Write why below.

    • Caesars Legion
    • NCR
    • House
    • Independant New Vegas

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The way I see it, House is looking out for House. I think that, if he thought it'd aid his economic ambitions, he'd have no problem wiping out the entire Mojave.


Hell, look at Freeside. He completely abandoned the place and left it to rot because he didn't feel they had enough to offer the Strip. He doesn't even try to put a portion of his massive Securitron army to use policing Freeside, which would increase quality of life there massively.

Well of course!House cares only about Vegas and saving ONLY The Strip cause according to him Freeside can't be saved of all the thugs and lowlifes even if there is a good chance for profit.


NCR cares only about NCR territory and think out ways on to tax the brahmin barons and the rest of the citizens and Legion tries to strip every small particle that can make one person different from another.

Edited by Purify111
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The way I see it, House is looking out for House. I think that, if he thought it'd aid his economic ambitions, he'd have no problem wiping out the entire Mojave.


Hell, look at Freeside. He completely abandoned the place and left it to rot because he didn't feel they had enough to offer the Strip. He doesn't even try to put a portion of his massive Securitron army to use policing Freeside, which would increase quality of life there massively.

Well of course!House cares only about Vegas and saving ONLY The Strip cause according to him Freeside can't be saved of all the thugs and lowlifes even if there is a good chance for profit.


NCR cares only about NCR territory and think out ways on to tax the brahmin barons and the rest of the citizens and Legion tries to strip every small particle that can make one person different from another.



And Yesman could go Skynet or HALL9000 on our asses at any time. XD

And if not, it depends on how competent your Courier is...

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The way I see it, House is looking out for House. I think that, if he thought it'd aid his economic ambitions, he'd have no problem wiping out the entire Mojave.


Hell, look at Freeside. He completely abandoned the place and left it to rot because he didn't feel they had enough to offer the Strip. He doesn't even try to put a portion of his massive Securitron army to use policing Freeside, which would increase quality of life there massively.

Well of course!House cares only about Vegas and saving ONLY The Strip cause according to him Freeside can't be saved of all the thugs and lowlifes even if there is a good chance for profit.


NCR cares only about NCR territory and think out ways on to tax the brahmin barons and the rest of the citizens and Legion tries to strip every small particle that can make one person different from another.



And Yesman could go Skynet or HALL9000 on our asses at any time. XD

And if not, it depends on how competent your Courier is...


But...Yes Man said that he will shut himself down so that he doesn't be so helpful and get orders only from the courier...Okay good point.There's a good chance he'll go rogue. XD

But this is still the best solution for Vegas in general imo and of course it depending on the courier's personality.Besides if something happens my courier can pew-pew her way to Yes Man and shut him down or make him helpful again. :3

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Well there are some really evil Couriers and some good Couriers but not too bright...

At any rate, all 4 endings have their flaws.


What do you think of the secret Sierra Madre ending?

Just kill them all with the cloud and holograms and let god sort them out... XD

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I always thought of the Independent ending as the most romantic and possibly satisfying, but not the most realistic, intelligent or forward-thinking solution. It is nice to know that the immediate future of the Mojave in be in the hands of someone you trust (yourself), and it feels good to seize dominance over the other factions who all have some crucial flaw, but it's an incredibly short term and unreliable remedy. You are just a brain-damaged courier, after all. From an RP standpoint, I have no reason to believe my courier would at all be capable of managing the majority of brute power in the Mojave, nor is my character experienced as a leader or diplomat. My courier isn't even that experienced with casual life in the Wasteland or the inner systems of the Wasteland, as s/he basically fell off the turnip truck and just started wandering around the desert passive-aggressively shooting people and wildlife to a morally ambiguous code. Also, I really have no idea how long the Courier's got left. Given the tribulations s/he's been through, I won't think s/he has a long, full life ahead of them. Not many in the Wasteland do.


As for Yesman, I don't really see any reason to expect him going all Skynet on everyone, but I have no assurance that it won't, either. Another dreadful "all eggs in one basket" situation. Even so, I'm more worried about the Courier's stability and longevity than Yesman's. Yesman is a robot, and is predictable. The Courier is brain-addled and murderous (in most playthroughs).


Considering the tone of New Vegas, I prefer to go with the more realistic choice than the romantic and immediately satisfying one. Reality is harsh, but so is the Wasteland.

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too bad the Courier doesn't get to deal with the NCR. Just it's presence in the Mojave.


I still laugh at how the NCR basically is unable to handle the Mojave or people within it and the Ranking General finally shows up after pretty much EVERYTHING has been dealt with to change the plan.

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and the Ranking General finally shows up after pretty much EVERYTHING has been dealt with to change the plan.


Only to get killed.Because the NCR is unable to create even basic security.

Rangers this and Rangers that.But in reality they pathetic.I mean in the game. :D

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I think the rangers are actually pretty bad ass.... if they have the right weapons. But there are still only like 20? in the entire mojave?


I want to say that if you inquire about rangers at certain areas you get the response "a couple dozen".... they might be the baddest of the bad, but they aren't much more in number than the remnants.

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