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Which ending do you usually go for and why?



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  1. 1. Which end do you generally strive for in the Mojave? Write why below.

    • Caesars Legion
    • NCR
    • House
    • Independant New Vegas

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Yesman's ending dialogue is not supposed to hint anything more than him being able to say no to people you don't want him to obey. J E Sawyer has said as such on his formspring when asked. Simply put, the code to 'make him more assertive' turns him from a yes man to your yes man, essentially cementing your control of New Vegas.


i didn't like all ending in FONV, FO3 made more sense.

Guys, the Enclave can't work the giant water condenser, obviously we should throw all our resources at them in a desperate attempt to stop them from... Actually I don't know what from, but a big, costly battle sounds fun right? Also our useless giant robot now works because some woman who claims to be a scientist and spent 20 years failing to clean water took a look.



Correct me if i'm mistaken, but wasn't there a line of dialogue between Sarah and Owyn in the Citadel before the fight where one of them says something along the lines of, "They don't know the code yet, but it's only a matter of time before they figure it out"? I'm pretty sure that's something I actually remember.

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I almost always go for the house ending, it just seems to make the most sense. Think about it, the legion will crumble after Caesar's death, because they follow him, not his society. The NCR are a group of corrupt, lording government officials, bent on controlling every aspect of life. With the Yes Man/ independent ending, you are protecting the strip, while leaving the surrounding towns ripe for plundering. With Mr.House, however, you are putting into power a benevolent dictator, intent on bringing humanity to its feet. He will use you as a public face, while making sure that humanity focuses on technological advancement behind the scenes.


You may not agree, but to me it seems a dictator leaving each person to their own projects, while helping society advance, is the best option.

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House has big plans for the Strip.Give him a chance once.


Yeah House does seem a very good option.

He seems to wanna run New Vegas like a large corporation.


Nothing inherently evil about it.

Everyone will just be seen as either an employee or customer.

With the Courier possibly becoming the 2nd in command and face of the company.

Mr House would listen to reason from the Courier, especially if the Courier has 100 speech skill ^^

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Awesome thread! I usually follow the NCR path but after reading this thread, I am so inspired to take the Wildcard route. This is good because I am currently about to kill Benny.


My question is besides E-DE, who would make a good independent companion?. I always take Boone but this will not work on an indie run.

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Awesome thread! I usually follow the NCR path but after reading this thread, I am so inspired to take the Wildcard route. This is good because I am currently about to kill Benny.


My question is besides E-DE, who would make a good independent companion?. I always take Boone but this will not work on an indie run.


Independent: Ed-E, Rex, Raul, Lily, Cass and Veronica. They are all not really with a faction that makes independent not possible.

Cass is semi NCR, but I have done independent with her. Veronica as long as you keep the Brotherhood alive it's fine.


I think I did do Mr House with Boone, Boone just wants you to have a good standing with the NCR and low standing with the Legion. XD

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I read through all of the posts (Took a while) and after thinking about it some, I believe any ending except Legion is best.


People's main complaint with NCR is their corruption and their thinning resources, however, America was like this in the 19th century, and look at where we are now (2015, not 2077). The NCR is in their Manifest Destiny stage of development. Also, NCR has brought law and order, no matter how minimal, into the Mojave. As Boone said, "A lot of people don't like it, but they forget what it was like before we came in". While House may have organized the 3 Families, it was only because of NCR scouts. Also, many of the best ending slides can be achieved with NCR, such as B.o.S. and Followers. The downside in the NCR ending is that the towns suffer greatly, with Goodsprings and Primm being forced to pay heavy taxes. At the end of the day it comes down to whether you're willing to give up a large portion of the town's money for security. That is my only problem with NCR's endings: The people with large guns get to be happy while the common man gets burdened by taxes (except Freeside). Also the NCR doesn't care about Vegas, only the Dam, which I suppose makes sense, as they have cities of their own back West, but New Vegas should be revered. Even the Legion sees the value of New Vegas.


I usually feel bad about killing Mr. House. This man gave everything for his city and the possibility of a future, and the Courier usually has to take it away. Mr. House also has a long term plan for humanity, which seems better than NCR, Legion, and Independent. If it weren't for House, nobody would be in Vegas at all, as some 77 warheads were going to hit, and I'm sure one was aimed at Hoover Dam. I don't know, it seems kind of disrespectful to kill a man because he is trying to help people get back on their feet. The problem I do have with House is his disregard for people's lives, so long as it benefits more lives in the long term. He doesn't care about economy, as other posters have said, he cares about restoring Las Vegas; it just so happens that restoring Vegas through economics is a good plan. He is very detached from the world and also has no motive to restore humanity, which means if he wanted to he could go rogue. I think the end game quest name is a good summary of a House Victory "All or Nothing". House is going to be the mastermind of restoring New Vegas, it will become a paradise if all goes according to plan, however it is entirely possible he could go mad with power or some other malfunction, which would devastate the Mojave. I think a good Courier could offset this possible problem, and make sure House doesn't tyrannize the populace. In fact, I believe the ending slide says just that.


I personally prefer Independent, mostly because I get to shape the Mojave, and nobody else gets to. I think a good Courier could certainly make the Mojave a wonderful place, and keep NCR and Legion out. Any Courier who assaulted the Fort and killed Caesar and company along with Lanius will not have to worry about a Legion attack, especially after a crushing defeat at Hoover Dam for a second time. NCR is much harder to predict, as their leaders could change at any time. Personally, being Idolized by NCR while simultaneously weakening their supply lines via Cass' quest and setting Chief Hanlon straight, I think NCR would be hard pressed to invade the new nation the Courier creates. With external powers aside, the only shortcomings I see in an Independent victory is the B.o.S. and Followers. I personally did not get any B.o.S. slide, as all I did was become a Paladin and say that they should be left alone. However, I assume upon my victory at Hoover Dam, they will patrol the highways for energy weapons, nothing more. Not only does this mean my Courier will see improved trade along I-15 and Highway 95, but there will be less weapons that can do significant damage. If the B.o.S. decides they can take me on, even though I'm a member, I know my Courier would destroy them. The Followers, I cannot imagine doing well under my rule, given just the ending slide. However, Mr. House seems to have an income of some 900,000 caps per year, which I assume goes to my Courier once he takes power. Even giving them 100,000 caps each year would allow them to expand and get the resources they need, while allowing me 800,000 caps to help the Mojave.


One thing I like about the Independent ending is that Goodsprings thrives, which is important to me, as they saved my life. Primm also does quite well under Primm Slim, and Novac survives and becomes a haven for Ghouls. Jacobstown brings in rogue mutants, and Black Mountain Radio is empty, which will help the travelers. Also I killed the Fiend leaders. So while NCR makes the towns suffer, I make the towns thrive, and destroy sources of concern. The only problem I could see is if the Courier died or went crazy, which I don't see happening. I survived several months in the Mojave without going insane or dying, I can imagine that trend will continue. My 10 intelligence Courier seems like he is perhaps the best choice for the Mojave.

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