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Which ending do you usually go for and why?



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  1. 1. Which end do you generally strive for in the Mojave? Write why below.

    • Caesars Legion
    • NCR
    • House
    • Independant New Vegas

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The legion was out of the question, cause im playing a woman. First i earned their trust to see how far i can go in terms of respect, but they were giving me none so i murdered them after a while, and the ncr was all happy bout it.


I did a full Legion playthrough as a female.

Quite interesting a final battle that doesn't involve fighting Lanius, unlike the other 3 endings. XD


The Legion rewarded her with her face on a Legion coin.

A symbol for all the Legion women. ^^

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I only actually finished the game once or twice, for the NCR. Fighting Lanius is a huge pain, and that was not on HC. If I did it again, tho?


Legion wants warriors, not technocrats. Totally regressive, very bad idea. No way.

House's strategy is not viable. NCR industry will win over mere money. If House is successful enough, he will be a threat to the NCR and will be destroyed, If he is not successful enough, he still fails.

NCR has industry, but poops on the little guy. Result? Inevitable revolution.

Indy/YesMan = ?? Unclear, but Kimball falls from power (if he even survives).

>>>> Optimistic view: NCR gets its house in order, uses more diplomacy and less military aggression, eventually unites with Mojave peacefully. CHEESE FOR EVERYONE!

>>>> Pessimistic view: Chaos, confusion, and a new set of raiders or tunnelers wipe out the Mojave.

Only viable options are NCR and YesMan, and neither are all that great. Indy results end up as best or worse, and you cannot know which. And frankly, I don't actually care enough to bother going thru with it again.

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I only actually finished the game once or twice, for the NCR. Fighting Lanius is a huge pain, and that was not on HC. If I did it again, tho?


Legion wants warriors, not technocrats. Totally regressive, very bad idea. No way.

House's strategy is not viable. NCR industry will win over mere money. If House is successful enough, he will be a threat to the NCR and will be destroyed, If he is not successful enough, he still fails.

NCR has industry, but poops on the little guy. Result? Inevitable revolution.

Indy/YesMan = ?? Unclear, but Kimball falls from power (if he even survives).

>>>> Optimistic view: NCR gets its house in order, uses more diplomacy and less military aggression, eventually unites with Mojave peacefully. CHEESE FOR EVERYONE!

>>>> Pessimistic view: Chaos, confusion, and a new set of raiders or tunnelers wipe out the Mojave.

Only viable options are NCR and YesMan, and neither are all that great. Indy results end up as best or worse, and you cannot know which. And frankly, I don't actually care enough to bother going thru with it again.


House knows what he's doing, he has a firm grip on the situation and can predict peoples actions with high accuracy rate.

So even if he won't make the long term goal of going into outer space, he would manage to keep a fledging civilisation.

House is not so stupid as to piss off NCR and knows it's in his best interests to keep them moderately happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to play one last time before F4 and here am I again rethinking some old concepts. ^^


NCR - For the NCR is better to actually lose the war. While they have the best ideology they are just trying too much... they cant properly defend their territory, have corrupt people in key roles battling for ego, have no money left for their campaign and are virtually doomed to mass starvation and misery. They are the only faction that has a expiration date by the time the game begins... being in a stalemate with Caesar while being drained dry by Mr. House. If Caesar could afford the time, he would just need to wait and would eventually win. Just the simple fact that the NCR needs the Courier to be able to deal with weak factions like Fiends and Powder Gangs proves that they are completely out of the way. But by losing the war they actually have a better chance to go back home, rethink and rebuild its fundamental structure and eventually becomes the major force they were supposed to be...
Independent NV - Supposedly the "best" option, it always bothered me that a random Follower could simply hack the securitron and that Yes Men will simply help anyone who ask... What is keeping the BoS, Enclave or even the NCR from hacking it and take all the power from the Courier??? Also, what happens with The Strip? There is no more NCR banking it nor Mr. House's mathematical projections and economic plans to stabilize anything... its just a random gamble that may as well blow up.Without the NCR most of the cash will dry out and most people will be living in misery in no time.
Legion - The Legion is not really an option even with all the protection they supposedly enforce... slavery will find opposition eventually and as Marcus stated, they follow Caesar, not his ideals. It's fated to crumble.
Mr. House - Right now I'm starting to like the idea of supporting Mr. House... while he is a tyrant and a dictator, he does want civilization to evolve. He made his projections so we know he has a long time plan, and is competent enough to establish a working, functional economy. And is interesting to note that even with all the extended life support, his body is still decaying... his body REALLY is weak and decrepit, which means he knows he will die eventually and probably wont even take that long. With the Courier around to keep him under control this may just work... just one elevator away if needed. ^^
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  • 5 months later...

I think the best ending is a tie between NCR and Yes Man. House is good except for his slaughter of The Kings if they are anything except hostile to NCR Citizens. Note the word "Citizen", not "soldier". House is basically punishing The Kings for NOT killing possible customers, which makes no sense. I would fully understand if that ending was a result of completing "The King's Gambit" where NCR comes into Freeside and The King agrees to help them, but not if the cease fire was simply a result of you calling in a favor for completing "GI Blues" peacefully.

The Independent Ending can be one of the best endings for the Mojave, turning it into a place where, as long as you harmed no one who hasn't harmed you, you could live free from laws and taxes, the "government" nothing more than peace keepers.

Or it can be a lawless land of anarchy and death.

It all depends on what factions you help, and this assumes you don't do anything in the post game. There is always the option of the Courier bringing a Securitron Army to tell the Brotherhood to "knock it off" if they continue harassing travelers, for example. In fact, I wonder why there wasn't an option to offer the Brotherhood access to the tech from the Lucky 38 in exchange for leaving the Mojave alone.

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  • 1 month later...

I usually go for Independent, with the idea of creating a Vegas Federation uniting the nearby communities (Goodsprings, Jacobstown, Primm, Novac, Hidden Valley, Freeside, Westside, etc...) ; then NCR or Legion.


Although I'm amazed about how most people consider the Legion ending. In the game they are presented as evil right from the beginning, and most NPC you meet early game tell only about the massacres, slavery, women treatment (btw, sorry to disappoint you, but the Legion is accurate about women treatment in antique Rome), etc... because that's all they know, and I think most people stop right there and ponder "ok, they're sooooooo evil, I'll never join them". But once you talk to Sallow/Caesar (during Render Unto Caesar), there are quite a few things that come into light about the "evil Legion".


Caesar is well aware that the Legion is currently an army without empire, and he envisions how that will change after the second Hoover Dam battle : that Vegas will be his "new Rome", so the Legion will turn into an empire in its own right, and that the conflict with the NCR will make the Legion into something better (maybe giving up their fear of technology, even slavery, who knows ?). Legion, although harsh and unforgiving, is civilisation. Maybe not the kind of civilisation a Westerner all comfy in his democratic country would dream of, but this is not a "comfy westerner country".


This is Mojave.


And, as can be seen in the various endings, without Courier involvment the Legion is the only one with the power to efficiently pacify the Mojave (even if it's by force). The Fiends are a good example of this : when all leaders are alive, NCR/Securitrons cannot take care of them (NCR/Independent ending), while Mr House simply doesn't care ; the Legion utterly destroys them to the last man. Same for the NCRCF, etc... Not to mention that merchants are much safer under Legion rule than NCR rule...


So there is, at least, quite a few advantages to Legion rule : safety, stability (at least under Sallow), and unification. Slavery is still better than death (a long, suffering one at the hand of raiders), and a harsh law is better than none (and maybe even better than a more laxist one, considering the land is an unforgiving one).


Of course, that would mean Caesar-Sallow is still alive and well at the end of the game. Most of those considerations become obsolete if he dies.


So, if Caesar's Legion is one of the best endings, Lanius' ending is the worst, since he wants Legion as a means of conquest and not one of stabilty, and is "little more than a savage" (Sallow's own words).

Edited by Thierno
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Personally I prefer the Independent Vegas, although there are some "worries" about Yes Man might betray the Courier. However we shouldn't forget that we are talking about a character who survived a fatal gunshot wound to the head, singlehandedly fought against the massive Ceasars Legions (and depending on the player, the NCR), the drug addicted Fiends, the White Legs in New Canaanan, collecting dangerous eggs (including Deathclaw eggs) for The Thorn, becoming a half cyborg after visiting Big Mountain, outwitted and survived in the dangerous Sierra Madre and finally meeting a dangerous old foe in the Divide...


So.. I doubt a rolling tin that just got upgrades and planning to play Skynet would be any danger to the Courier... as the saying goes "Meh, I been in worse situation before."


Although the Legion is considered as the "evil faction" but somehow personally I find Ceasar quite charismatic maybe because of his blunt but true view about the NCR. During the game, we mostly come across many NCR propaganda and supposed to see them as the "good guys" (and also for those who played Fallout 2). However we do know that as soon as Ceasar dies, the Legion will be fighting amongs themselves with the Legate takes over after killing off many of his rivals.


House is a charismatic person, I would have choosen his ending, if it not because of his plans to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel. For better or worse, the Brotherhood did save the humanity many times in Fallout universe, from aiding Vault Dweller against the Master to giving useful hints to the Chosen One, and trying to restore order in Washington DC. I find it hard to kill them....


The independent Vegas is like giving the middle finger to the established authorities. I still find it funny to order Yes Man to punch general Oliver after his threats of "Enraging the bear". Since the Courier has an army of missile shooting Securitons with the Remnants at his side.

Yes man never will betray you it was said earlier in this post by someone. The devs worded it weird and they meant that he will reprogram himself to follow only the courier and nobody else

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