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When I look back on it now


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Gah, my first play through was horrible. For starters I spec'd primarily into energy weapons which was a colossal mistake. Without mods it's really hard starting out with a weapon type that has pretty darn scarce ammo. I didn't even spec much in melee or unarmed either. To top off that dose of epic fail I made a bee-line for the Strip through blistering Cazador and Deathclaw territory. So yeah, my first character was a massive failure. The constant desperation was kinda fun though. :biggrin:
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  • 2 weeks later...
My first playthrough? I hit every single mind/booby trap I found. From Primm, all the way to Hoover Dam I'd step on every landmine, trip every wire, run onto every pressure plate. a number of times I even saw the trap well in advance, setting it off when I went to see what it was. Anders, the Ranger in the Fiend's vault, got me good with that grenade boquet. I just stared at them once they hit ground, wondering if I'd possibly found a stash of goodies... I imagine that my first Courier Six had more shrapnel in him than the field in front of Nellis AFB.
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  • 3 months later...

I took the road all the way up to the right from goodsprings where the cazadors are until I got to the attacked tribal village where more are, so I climbed down there somehow and ran out and saw buildings in the distance. I ran and started getting shot at by cook-cook. Made it past him. Then spent about an hour trying to figure out how to get into the strip because I was at the sign that says New Vegas. I finally found freeside and the strip gate, and I had about 5 caps so I did not pass the credit check. Not a good thing to do as a level 1. :)

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Managed to get stuck with an exploding collar, courtesy of the BoS, unable to leave Hidden Valley without my head exploding, unable to kill the Ranger because my level was too low, unable to convince him to leave peacefully because my speech was rubbish, and unable to tip him off about the Brotherhood, because they'd massacre us both. I ended up having to spend about 3 hours killing the respawning bark scorpions to get my level high enough to do anything about it!

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  • 1 year later...

oh during my very first, vanilla playthrough i never knew the pipboy had a light!


you know all those pitch black places in the game?...yeah, i spent the whole time bumping my head on stuff >_<


i felt soo bad after i discovered it by accident long, loong after during a second playthrough.

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Shot the White legs on the other side of the bridge into Zion, then snapped off a shot that killed Follows-Chalk as soon as he popped his head over the rise.


Then wandered round Zion with three hostile tribes on my case wondering what the hell I was supposed to be doing here... Tch! The drawback with scoped weapons.

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First time, I was driven by revenge to kill Benny. Didn't care for anything else besides revenge.


I walked slow to the entrance of the Strip and was denied access. So I figured out ways to try to get in and the best way I knew at the time was the passport.


Now I take the monorail, every time. However, revenge should be sweeter so I'll think of something clever on my first play through not on a console this time.

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  • 1 month later...

Stupidest, Cringe worthy moment?


First of all, I got up to the part in the story where house tasks you with activating the Securitron bunker, under The Fort.


So anyway, I go to see Caesar in his tent, where he tells me I get to decide how Benny will die. This being my first playthrough, I chose the option to help him escape (I was willing to forgive, what with my positive karma and all :) ). I let him go, turn around with my Weathered 10mm Pistol I got from loading a DLC, fired about 2 shots at the nearest guard before Benny is cut down by a Praetorian Guard. Realising I was now the target, I bolted out the door to the tent, where the whole camp promptly charged me.


Fearless as I was, fuelled on by the fact that the reassuring "Autosaving" text had shown in the top left corner after I left Caesar's Tent, (that's important, I'll come back to that) I made a beeline for the gate, and was promptly cut down by machine gun fire coming from what appeared to be a rather vicious representation of virtual hell. Trying again, I loaded the autosave but instead just ran around the camp trying not to have my head cleaved off. Making it to an area where I was hidden from the guards, (at least for the time being) I saved over my most recent save, because I was close to the gate. This turned out to be my downfall.


Trying to escape was futile. No stimpacks or food, and my armour condition at absolute 0, I was slaughtered repeatedly. I then had a genius stroke of inspiration. "I know! I'll just load my save from before I came into the fort! I'll just kill Benny and avoid all this!". It was then that I looked in my savegames, and saw that my last save I had saved over in The Fort. It's playtime was marked at around 28 hours. Then, I had my second genius thought: "Its OK! Ill just load my save before that!". I then looked again.


My second-last save was dated at 20 play hours.


For those of you that know maths, it meant that I had overwritten 8 full hours of gameplay, and when you're first starting out, that is alot.


Today's Lesson:

Heed my mistake children. Use a different save each time.

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