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fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT errors *FIXED*


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Anyone who's had a look in their Papyrus logs has probably found that fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc is spamming the log with errors like this every 30 seconds or so:

[08/02/2012 - 11:59:48PM] error: Object reference has no 3D
[ (0001E68C)].Sound.Play() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (00072EF6)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - "<savegame>" Line ?
[08/02/2012 - 11:59:53PM] error: Object reference has no 3D

This is due to the script having a timed loop, with the possibility of the cell unloading while the script is still waiting for the timer to finish. If the cell unloads while the loop is running it will bug out because you cannot call some Papyrus functions on an object that has no 3D loaded.

The references that can generate these errors are located in the following cells:



00020187 Mzulft01
000220D1 BlindCliffCave01
00029BFC HelgenKeep01
00033059 HagRockRedoubt01
000375A1 BleakFallsBarrow01
000375A2 BleakFallsBarrow01
000375AD BleakFallsBarrow01
000375AE BleakFallsBarrow01
000375AF BleakFallsBarrow01
00037ACE BleakFallsBarrow02
00037ACF BleakFallsBarrow02
00037AD0 BleakFallsBarrow02
00037AD1 BleakFallsBarrow02
00037AD2 BleakFallsBarrow02
00037AD3 BleakFallsBarrow02
00037AD4 BleakFallsBarrow02
00040197 Mzulft02
000401C9 Mzulft02
000401DD Mzulft02
00044580 HonningbrewMeadery02
00044585 HonningbrewMeadery02
00044586 HonningbrewMeadery02
00046336 KilkreathRuins01
0005372C Kagrenzel01
0005E982 Mzulft01
000621AA BilegulchMine
000621D5 BilegulchMine
0006567E SoljundsSinkhole01
0006D0BF Avanchnzel01
0007013B Harmugstahl01
0007019D Harmugstahl01
00071CA7 JaphetsFolly01
00072EF6 BrokenTowerRedoubt01
00076126 BrokenTowerRedoubt02
0007E280 PinemoonCave01
0007E287 PinemoonCave01
00080422 Angarvunde01
000837E3 E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
000837E4 E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
000837E5 E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
000837EE E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
000837EF E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
000852AB Angarvunde03
0008B352 MovarthsLair01
0008B35D MovarthsLair01
0008E52C Harmugstahl01
000911A0 E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
000911A2 E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
000911A3 E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
000911A5 E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
000911A6 E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
000911A7 E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
000911C0 E3demoBleakFallsBarrow
0009BEDE KilkreathRuins01
0009BF55 KilkreathRuins01
0009C024 KilKreathRuins02
0009E340 NorthwatchKeep01
000A2558 KnifepointRidge01
000A2559 KnifepointRidge01
000A2EE1 ReachcliffCave01
000AF2E6 Mzulft01
000B77B1 HelgenKeep01
000B77B2 HelgenKeep01
000B77B4 HelgenKeep01
000B77B5 HelgenKeep01
000B77B6 HelgenKeep01
000B77B7 HelgenKeep01
000B77B8 HelgenKeep01
000B77B9 HelgenKeep01
000BE102 ReachcliffCave01
000EBAA9 KolskeggrMine01
000EF1EE MzulftExterior
000EF1EF MzulftExterior03


02004FE1 DLC1Ruunvald01
02009B00 DLC1MolderingRuins01
02009B01 DLC1MolderingRuins01
02009B02 DLC1MolderingRuins01
02009B03 DLC1MolderingRuins01
02009B04 DLC1MolderingRuins01
02009AFF DLC1MolderingRuins01
0200F0DB DLC1Ruunvald01
020134BA DLC1Ruunvald01
020182AF DLC1Ruunvald01
020182B2 DLC1Ruunvald01
02018697 DLC1Ruunvald01
0201869D DLC1Ruunvald01

040394A5 DLC2RRBulwarkCave
0403955F DLC2RRBulwarkCave


I've fixed the bug by adding some extra safety checks to test if the 3D is still loaded before the loop tries to run.


1) copy the file "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.pex" to your Skyrim "DATA\SCRIPTS" folder, overwriting any existing script.
2) copy the file "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" to your Skyrim "DATA\SCRIPTS\SOURCE" folder, overwriting any existing script.

The above steps will prevent any new locations from bugging out.
To fix any existing locations that are generating errors, follow these extra steps:

3) You will need to identify the game location(s) where the buggy script is running. Look at the Papyrus log example above. The number in front of "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad()" is "00072EF6". If you look up this number in the table in the "spoiler" above, you will see that the buggy script is in cell "BrokenTowerRedoubt01". So in this case, at STEP 4 below, you will need to COC to that location.

4) start the game, enter the console and type "COC BrokenTowerRedoubt01" to fast travel to the cell that contains the faulty activator.
5) explore the area for a couple of minutes (this is just to make sure that the random dust drop effect script has loaded in that area).

Repeat steps 4 and 5 for any other locations that have buggy "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT" scripts running.

6) enter the console and type "COW Tamriel 0 0" to leave the area, then save your game.
7) quit the game then start the game again and load your new savegame.
8 ) play the game for a few minutes, then check your papyrus logs. The "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.pex" errors should be gone.
9 ) note that if you ever reinstall the CK or update it, you will need to recopy my fixed scripts to your scripts folders.

Edit: note that after applying this fix, it is still possible that you will find an occasional (rare) "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc" error in your log when the reference to which the script is attached unloads its 3D. However this is OK as the script will trap the error almost immediately and stop the loop from running indefinitely.

Edit: [7 Aug 2012] updated instructions giving a list of all the potential buggy references. Updated the README file in the rar archive.

fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.pex fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.psc

Edited by steve40
I've re-attached the script fixes that were deleted when the forums were upgraded. I think this version of the attached scripts incorporate fixes made by Redragon.
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You're welcome.


I've also managed to fix the "dunBluePalaceArenaSCRIPT.pex" log spams. I'll post that solution later. Now my error log is only about 9kB after more than 30 minutes of playing :)

Edited by steve40
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Hi and thanks a lot for the fixes! Bluepalacefix worked fine! but here I can't fasttravel there with consolecommands.... nothing happens... tried nearly every way to spell the command coc kilkreathruins2 different to see if its just a typo. Nothing. any idea?


ps: If I type coc kilkreathruins2 nothing happens and no error message or anything, with cow kilkreathruins2 it says worldparameter not found.


PSPS: it's coc kilkreathruins02 :)



mhhhh... how much do I have to explore of the catacombes? there are still 18 fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT in my log and I still got a ctd... don't know if that's still related to those scripts... is 18 times fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT in the log normal? it was all at the end of the log and the last thing in the log (before ctd)

Edited by gaunti
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Thanks for the feedback gaunti. +1

Could you PM your log to me, there may be other references that use the same script.

Most people seem to get the errors from Kilkreath Ruins, but any other area that uses that vanilla script could potentially bug out. You might need to COC to those areas as well.

You will still sometimes get errors from these scripts, but hopefully not the constant spam that the vanilla script was giving. Cheers.


Edit: gaunti had two other locations where the script was bugging out. I've updated the installation instructions to take care of this.

Edited by steve40
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Steve40,I'm a foreign guy from China.Eh,first please forgive my poor English.Unluckily,I also have the CTD problem:If I enter the Castle Dure in Solitude,the TESV will CTD while it

is loading.I also have found the "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT" in the log,but I think it may or may not be the only reason??? So I give my Papyrus log to you,wishing you can help me find the key to this boring problem...if you want more infomation ,just ask me.And it is very late now on my time zone(Time~~0:09~~),I will check the page tomorrow.Thank you so much! :tongue:

<My Papyrus log>


Edited by DaLin1122
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Hi Steve40,I'm a foreign guy from China.Eh,first please forgive my poor English.Unluckily,I also have the CTD problem:If I enter the Castle Dure in Solitude,the TESV will CTD while it

is loading.I also have found the "fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT" in the log,but I think it may or may not be the only reason??? So I give my Papyrus log to you,wishing you can help me find the key to this boring problem...if you want more infomation ,just ask me.And it is very late now on my time zone(Time~~0:09~~),I will check the page tomorrow.Thank you so much! :tongue:


PLEASE don't spam this forum with error logs. Format your log data as a "spoiler".


Your fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT errors seem to be happening in these locations:






Did you "COC" to those locations like I explained in the instructions?


Also I see a lot of errors due to DAWNGUARD quest script "DLC1WE02Script.psc":


[08/17/2012 - 10:17:45AM] error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and None
[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?
[DLC1WE02 (02008771)].DLC1WE02Script.OnUpdate() - "DLC1WE02Script.psc" Line 11
[08/17/2012 - 10:17:46AM] [DLC1WE02Script <DLC1WE02 (02008771)>]OnUpdate()


It is trying to do calculations on an object that doesn't exist, and it is stuck in a loop.

Unfortunately I can't fix that Dawnguard script bug until Bethesda releases the source script code in a future Creation Kit update (hopefully).


This doesn't necessarily mean that Dawnguard is causing your crash, but you could try uninstalling it to see if it cures your CTD or not.

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