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Why can't shields be placed in the right hand?


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I am re-posting this here because I had it in the mods section and got zero replies.


I want to put my shield in my right hand, with a spell in the left, but the game does not allow you to do this. I roll with a sword in my right hand and a spell in the left, in certain situations I want to drop the sword for my shield, but I can't, I have to open my quick menu and swap my spell to my right hand since my sheild is on the left. All the while I'm getting beat on by something during the transtion. Very annoying. The reason I keep the spell in the left hand is because I have different spells hot-keyed and they go to your left hand first automatically


The issue is with hot-keying, with the default coding in Skyrim, when you hit a hotkey it automagically (pun intended) goes to your left hand. So if I want to roll with my shield I have to hit the spell hotkey twice to assign to left hand, then right, then my shield hotkey to equip it to the left, or hit Q and manually click. I don't understand why you can't just allow shields in either hand..swords can be in either hand and have full functionality that way.


I don't know much about coding, but I assume the issue here is that they had to hard code block as it's own thing to work better with a controller. It seems to me that a shield should be just like a weapon or spell, no matter what hand you have something in, using that trigger (controller) or left/right click should use that spell/shield/weapon..


Anyone know of a mod that fixes this? I would even be content with a mod that modifies the "categorized favorites menu" mod to allow the hotkeying feature to hotkey spells to whichever hand you want. So for instance if I want my right hand to be fireball, when I RIGHT click it in the menu then hit the number 2, later on when I want fire ball I hit 2 and it auto goes to my right hand. I'd be fine with this, I can just swap my layout. However it seems that's the easy way out, I want skyrim to have the functionality listed above possible.

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Kind of hard to joust when your shield is preventing you from living after the first pass.


I think its only because of traditional shield placement. It can be modded for anywhere. A taleneted modder here could do just that if they had the drive. Each shield would have to be done or at least 1 usable one so its scripted for the right hand. Thats a lot of work for each shield made for the other hand.

Edited by Brandy_123
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The short answer is because the Block button is mapped to the left hand, and that's what shields are for. I understand your swapping troubles, but as a long time player oof the Spell/Shield combo, I just adjust the tactics. Either keep the sword out, in case you get charged, then drop the hotkeyed shield in when they close. Voila, now you're configured for CQB. The only spells that really help in the melee are Cloaks, and _Flesh, which are better cast right before the sluggers close anyway. I keep the shield out full time, because it takes a while to drop in, and swap out spells/swords to the right as needed. I know, going through the quick menu breaks Immersion, but it's just when transitioning out of melee, which isn't too bad. If it really bothers you that much, get the CK, and DIY. After all, you want it done right, right? Chances are better you'l get what you want as far as button mapping, quicker, if you learn how to make your own Mod. Another possible fix would be to change spell swaps to the right hand. And finally, you could learn to use the sword in the left hand. It's slower for the regular attack, but does a nice quick reposte with the PA which is deadly quick.


I always wanted to try a shield/torch combo.

Edited by Psiberzerker
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