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Is the Dragonborn actually Tiber Septim?


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How about a different approach? What if the Dragonborn is something akin to Pelenial Whitestrake. This grand spiritual hero that the Gods, or more likely Lorkhan/Shor, sends to 'take care of business'. What if all the characters (save possibly Cyrus) are reincarnations of the same entity? Lets look at it in more detail.


Each time you start out a blank slate, escaping from prison in some form or fashion. I could write a few pages on the significance of that relative to Lorkhan but only other ES lore geeks would get it. Each time you show up out of nowhere with a sort of divine mandate to accomplish this single world-changing event. You're never the King - you never stay around. Kingmaker, yes. Yet you never stay, never have kids, never die of old age. You have no family, no history, no existence beyond accomplishing a very specific event. This event also just happens to be what the Nine, or at least Lorkhan, would really like to see happen in the world. Then you just fade from history.


The Dragonborn isn't a person - he/she is a tool of the Gods. More directly he seems to be a tool of Shor. He's also Nerevar, possibly even an aspect of Tiber Septim. He's probably the hero sent to save the Empire on two other occasions, once by dealing with the Imperial Simulacrum and the other was the temporary restoration of Numidium. Each of these incarnations achieves a goal of protecting humanity and the world. Even the events of Morrowind effectively protected humanity from a larger menace.


Each of these individuals accomplishes this amazing, world-saving act of heroism yet none of them stay around and cash in? Have kids? Settle down? They all just disappear, fading in and out of history just long enough to accomplish their mission.


Think about it.

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  • 3 months later...

I have reason to believe that the new DLC might blow open the field for the "Two types of Dragonborn" theory.


This new enemy was the first Dragonborn according to the monologue, and it was always said that Alessia was the first.

Another thing to note is that Bethesda said that the protagonist of Skyrim would be a different sort of Dragonborn than mentioned previously in games.

Also, I think someone called the Nerevarine Dragonborn at a point in TES:III, signifying his connection to the grand scheme of destiny.


I prefer the idea that there are the Dragonborn whom are children of Akatosh, blessed with his divine protection which is then passed on through lineage, and others born of destiny, and then there are the Dovahkiin, who are mortals born with the souls of dragons, or rather, dragons born into mortal bodies. Alessia was human, her soul was human, I don't think Akatosh swapped her soul with a dragon's for a gift. I wouldn't be too happy with that gift.


I hope the new DLC explains some stuff.

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Also, I think someone called the Nerevarine Dragonborn at a point in TES:III, signifying his connection to the grand scheme of destiny.


The Nerevarine was 'Dragon Born' in that he was a child of the Empire (the Dragon). As he was born in the Empire (again, the Dragon) he -and millions like him- were 'Dragon Born'. He wasn't actually the same type of Dragonborn as the PC in Skyrim, who literally shares a bloodline with Dragons.


IF blood is in fact the key, then Dragonborn were probably linked with the Dragon Priests of Atmora, and it may have been agift the Dragons passed onto their loyal followers (until said plan backfired). It could also be that the First somehow stole the power of Dragons to become the first Dragonborn. It could also be a genuine gift from Akatosh, or even a blessing form Lorkhan (since so far the only canon Dragonborn are Human...). Like so many things in The Elder Scrolls -I'm looking at you, Talos!- it could be all the choices, even contradictory ones, at the same time!


I suppose we'll find out soon enough.

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I doubt the Dragonborn is Tiber Septim though I do find the argument about the player being a Shezzarine like Talos in just about every game to have the most merit. The ghost most likely just interacted with everyone the same way like a broken record player. Of course, considering the condition of the Talos church, it isn't impossible that the Dragonborn will become an addition, replacement or rival cult for Talos's religion in future games. It would fit the pattern of turning the player into another footnote in TES history.
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  • 3 months later...

The Greybeards name you Ysmir which is the Nordic aspect of Talos.


"Lingrah krosis saraan Strundu'ul, voth nid balaan klov praan nau. Naal Thu'umu, mu ofan nii nu, Dovahkiin, naal suleyk do Kaan, naal suleyk do Shor, ahrk naal suleyk do Atmorasewuth. Meyz nu Ysmir, Dovahsebrom. Dahmaan daar rok." This translates roughly to "Long has the Storm Crown languished with no worthy brow to sit upon. By our breath we bestow it now to you in the name of Kyne, in the name of Shor, and in the name of Atmora of old. You are Ysmir now, the Dragon of the North. Hearken to it."


Not saying you are Talos, but an aspect of him anyhow. Reanimation.

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  • 5 months later...

If it was possible you have no idea how much I would love to destroy the Aldmeri Dominion. I don't see Skyrim as part of the Empire, therefore I believe the Thalmor have no authority in Skyrim whatsoever. Thsts just the way I think.


Then you are legally wrong. Skyrim IS part of the Empire, regardless of what Ulfric says (at least until you complete the Stormcloak storyline). The Thamor also only have authority in Skyrim as pertains to the terms of the White Gold Concordant, which means they are only able to enforce the Talos ban. You also seem to be ignoring the fact that the Empire is preparing to go to war with the Dominion anyway...


Anyway, is the Dragonborn actually Talos? Unlikely. At least not the whole of Talos. There is the whole Conqueror/Rebel/Observer angle which exists (symbolizing the 3 Shezzarines who, together, mantled Lorkhan to become Talos) in the game but none of that means that hte Dragonborn, alone, is Talos, or even a part of him.


The divine conflict between the Dominion and Talos is going to come to a head, of that i have no doubt. I just don't think the Dragonborn is going to have diddly to do with it.

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If it was possible you have no idea how much I would love to destroy the Aldmeri Dominion. I don't see Skyrim as part of the Empire, therefore I believe the Thalmor have no authority in Skyrim whatsoever. Thsts just the way I think.


Then you are legally wrong. Skyrim IS part of the Empire...



According to who? The Empire?

What a surprise.

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Tiber Septim was A Dragonborn, which the player character in Skyrim also is, just like Martin Septim in Oblivion. There are many Dragonborns throughout generations and there could be more than one in each.

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