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Vortex Support added: X4: Foundations, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, Starsector, 7 Days to Die


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  • Community Manager
In response to post #67686471.

Michalius wrote: How does Vortex do Pathfinder: Kingmaker? Does it use Unity Mod Manager? Does it copy the functionality of Unity Mod Manager? Or does it just deal with mods that don't require it?

Currently it requires UMM to set things up. Vortex will allow you to manage mods and keep track of updates for the mods etc.
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In response to post #67686471. #67690756 is also a reply to the same post.

Michalius wrote: How does Vortex do Pathfinder: Kingmaker? Does it use Unity Mod Manager? Does it copy the functionality of Unity Mod Manager? Or does it just deal with mods that don't require it?
Pickysaurus wrote: Currently it requires UMM to set things up. Vortex will allow you to manage mods and keep track of updates for the mods etc.

Thanks I was wondering this. Nice to see the support!
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In response to post #67661681. #67668001, #67679186, #67679521 are all replies on the same post.

HugsForPenguin wrote: Long shot here, and please forgive my lack of technical proficiency, but with regard to 7 Days to Die, is there a way for it to handle different game versions on separate profiles or something? I play with the Valmod expansion on a server with friends quite frequently, but it's for the 16.4 version of the game. Thing is, I'd also like to poke at the 17.xx+ releases, and it'd be great to be able to switch game versions with mods at the ready without having to redownload from steam every single time.
UrizenDe wrote: Doesn´t Vortex support profiles outside of Bethesda titles?
Pickysaurus wrote: You can set up profiles for your mods, but for your games Vortex isn't designed to do that.

Perhaps you could have the files from each version in two folders on your PC and just switch between them by copy/pasting?
Tannin42 wrote: In response to post #67661681. #67668001, #67679186 are all replies on the same post.

HugsForPenguin wrote: Long shot here, and please forgive my lack of technical proficiency, but with regard to 7 Days to Die, is there a way for it to handle different game versions on separate profiles or something? I play with the Valmod expansion on a server with friends quite frequently, but it's for the 16.4 version of the game. Thing is, I'd also like to poke at the 17.xx+ releases, and it'd be great to be able to switch game versions with mods at the ready without having to redownload from steam every single time.

UrizenDe wrote: Doesn�t Vortex support profiles outside of Bethesda titles?

Pickysaurus wrote: You can set up profiles for your mods, but for your games Vortex isn't designed to do that.

Perhaps you could have the files from each version in two folders on your PC and just switch between them by copy/pasting?

I'm afraid Vortex can't currently help with that, it can't deal with multiple installs of the same game.
The expectation was that profiles would resolve the need for multiple installs (which it does in most cases) but in your case that obviously isn't so.

It would be best if you sent in a feedback suggestion describing this use case.

I had a feeling it wasn't really doable at this stage but had to ask :) Thanks for the responses, everyone!
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  • Community Manager
In response to post #67699021.

URM1979 wrote: So.... About Pathfinder.... Vortex installs mods, its great, but game starts unmodded. If I still need unity mod manager even with vortex then what's the point in this addon? Or I'm doing something wrong?

You still need UMM at the moment - Vortex basically lets you manage your mods once UMM has configured the game to be moddable.
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In response to post #67698841. #67722966, #67722991 are all replies on the same post.

Tkohr wrote: Vortex is the greates ModManager of all time, im currently modding 4 games and never had any problems, thank you so much to provide us this mighty tool.
jsonger47 wrote: No MO2 is better Vortex puts files in game folders MO2 does not
jsonger47 wrote: sorry double post

Makes no difference, Vortex works absolutly clean, you can install and uninstal without any problems or mess up your game, Profils working 100% and all the finetuning tools for overwriting, load orders and thousend things more makes Vortex easy to use, and a really great tool for ProModders.
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