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Borderlands 2


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Hi I just wanted to ask the community : who else here is stoked for Borderlands 2 ? .. I know I am


Btw , do I need to have played the first Borderlands to unlock certain quest and things ? ( I just want to know , cause I saw the first one for 20 bucks at my local game store )

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yep, getting it for Ps3. will be my GOTY bar none. been preordered for a while. was gunna get the delux edition ($100) but just got the regular ($60) one instead


as far as i know, the only thing having played the first one unlocks is additional skins. rather, head skins

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I'm getting it for the ps3 too but I'm getting the normal edition .. I'm soo excited. Anyways i'm going to play as Zer0 .. how about you guys ? And ok that's good so I could go straight to playing Borderlands 2 when my preorder copy arrives .. :D
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Same, looks bloody brilliant mate! Probably going to play soldier/siren again. One thing I couldn't help but notice, aside from Axton's awesome accent, was the suggestion of DLC classes... This I like, a lot. Since class made such a difference to the original, making a replay feel totally fresh. All they need to do is recapture that refresh factor, and they're going to be set for not just a great game, but great DLC. Edited by Vindekarr
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i havent decided who im gunna play yet. Mordecai (Hunter) was my primary for Borderlands. i like Axtons ability to upgrade his turret and stuff based on your play style, so he might be my first one. i feel like Zero is going to be everyones choice, so im trying to stay away from that at first, granted i wont go online until ive beaten the game once first Solo, just like i did with Borderlands.
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I'm always up for a bloody massacre! Shooting the heads of bandits, and squishing skags... ahh, the graphic gore of Borderlands... brings me joy :happy:


I enjoyed the first game immensely, still have a few saves from the first game, and hopefully this game will be just as good as the first! :thumbsup:

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