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So, who here accepts the fact that Sheogorath is the Champ of Cyrodill


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It's pretty obvious that the Champ is the Madgod, because he makes suitable reference to the Champ's life:


-A Fox (The Grey Fox)

-Severed head (Matthieu Ballamont's Mom's severed head)

-"Affair" (Oblivion Crisis)

-Blood (Blood from Tiber Septim's Armor?)

-He knew Martin, and the whole Akatosh vs Dagon thing


Who agrees with me? If you didn't know about this whole thing, well now you do :D

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It's pretty obvious that the Champ is the Madgod, because he makes suitable reference to the Champ's life:


-A Fox (The Grey Fox)

-Severed head (Matthieu Ballamont's Mom's severed head)

-"Affair" (Oblivion Crisis)

-Blood (Blood from Tiber Septim's Armor?)

-He knew Martin, and the whole Akatosh vs Dagon thing


Who agrees with me? If you didn't know about this whole thing, well now you do :D



Well. In Shivering Isles you do become him. The appearance is probably the same just to keep up fanservice, public appearances, and to keep it in line with all players. So they can still pretend they are the Madgod (Or rather, their Shivering Isles character is).

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Well it pretty much messes with the RP if your Champ never did some of those things, such as the DB....Plus I always play something of a much more sedate character....So nope, my Champ is not the Madgod, he stayed mortal and eventually grew old and died..... :happy: ....But of course the Mad god knows all that happened, his a god.
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Well it pretty much messes with the RP if your Champ never did some of those things, such as the DB....Plus I always play something of a much more sedate character....So nope, my Champ is not the Madgod, he stayed mortal and eventually grew old and died..... :happy: ....But of course the Mad god knows all that happened, his a god.



Kinda hard to ignore the part where he talks about Martin and being there lol.


I personally like it, its a cool thing if you did a completionist character. I generally do one of those first and the rest are rped more. Elder scrolls games are great for doing both ^^

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Even if you never completed SI, the statement Sheo makes about being around for the events of the Oblivion Crisis can still be seen as accurate. There's nothing stopping him from incarnating as a mortal (or a mudcrab, or a teapot, or whatever), the same way Sanguine does in Oblivion Skyrim (EDIT: can you tell it was early when I wrote this? :tongue: ). Edited by JanusForbeare
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Even if you never completed SI, the statement Sheo makes about being around for the events of the Oblivion Crisis can still be seen as accurate. There's nothing stopping him from incarnating as a mortal (or a mudcrab, or a teapot, or whatever), the same way Sanguine does in Oblivion.


This is true, with work you can try to work your rping around almost anything.

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He pretty much tells you he was involved in the Oblivion Crisis and knew Martin Septim. Since the original Sheogorath has absolutely nothing to do with the main plot of Oblivion, that pretty much means the current one is the ascended main character of the previous game.


That, or Sheogorath thinks he's the Champion of Cyrodil because, you know, insane.


Anyway, my character totally embraced the whole Daedric Prince thing, to spite Countess Carvain if nothing else. So, I have no problem accepting this. Of course, my Sheogorath was female, but I suppose she might have turned male during Skyrim's era just to test it out. :laugh:

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