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way to turn off vamp attacks on city?


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so I downloaded the Better Vampires NPC's mod and the mod author seems to have completely forgotten that annoying vampire attacks on cities r a thing and as a result everytime one of those groups of bloodsucking ***holes attack a city I find myself facing at least 1 either mage that can take at least 80% of ur health down with one of those stupid swirling frost ball spells (even if u a Nord!) or a vampire with an overpowered enchanted glass mace and shield. Is there an option to turn those annoying vamp town attacks off? I should NOT have to b fighting glass weaponry wielding vamps in the lvl 20's when the regular enemy NPC's sure as hell arent wielding them

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For the Vampire attacks related to Dawnguard (Vanilla), there's this mod. It definitely works:



Not sure though, if this will also prevent vampire attacks from a mod.


If you want an immersive way of protecting your people during vampire (and dragon) attacks, you can use "run for your lives":



Again, not sure if this will work for vampires spawned by mods. Maybe you'll need a compatibility patch.


Your problem sounds like something related to a specific mod. So you should also ask and maybe give some feedback on the "Better Vampires" page.

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For vanilla SSE you don't need a mod to stop the attacks since Bethesda patched them out themselves with 1.5.3 last year. So it stands to reason that Better Vampires must be editing that record and hasn't updated itself to account for Bethesda's fix.

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They were, but it's also one of the biggest long standing complaints about the DLC. Bethesda stealth patched it as a result, but not before many of us lost NPCs to vampires savaging the cities.

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You can turn off the city attacks with better vampire npc mod by using the vampire bloodgem which is placed in your invetory when you run the mod. you can also turn off the blood weapons and other things as well.


You have to sneak and then equip it and a menu will appear.

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There's no need to use a mod to turn them off though since SSE no longer has them enabled.

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I dont know if this qualifies, but I literally, today, encountered the random, Vampire Wizard aka 'Traveler' npc, in Solitude. Those are still occurring, at least in my game and I have no specific vampire mods. Despite being a fairly difficult npc, he was not hard to beat down thankfully (Im L67 currently), but, had he been left alone and gotten his hooks into any of the squishy city npcs, I am sure he could easily killed a few of them.


Run for your lives might work, but, despite its presence, npcs can still get caught and killed I am finding, it seems to depend on where they are, and when the attack occurs.


One thing the game could have done, was , if the game just had to have a town vampire attack, create an event to summon a few throwaway npc 'victims' for the blood-suckers, and prevent them killing npcs that actually matter and that the game cant replace, IE smiths. in my current game, I am down 2 city smiths already (neither to vampires), and the game of course, has no mechanism to replace them. Of course, disabling them works too. I dont have any problem with npcs dieing to random events, but i DO have an issue, if the npcs kind of matter and no mechanism to replace them is provided.

Edited by Mebantiza
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