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Anyone have a top 20-30 mod list, that's in the correct order? (PC)


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Just downloaded Skyrim Special Edition, messing with these mods has me all messed up...Use Nexus, Nexus Mod Manager, Mod Manager, Loot, what the???????


Can anyone give me a top 20 - 30 mods list with graphic updates, creatures and dungeons mostly, that are bug proof, and in what order to download them, I like the Nexus manager but this order stuff has me lost........


I just don't see how adding so many mods won't cause your game to crash at some point, I don't know diddly poo about all these files etc etc, I put Skyrim on my D drive, Steam on C drive, where do I download all these mod managers too, can't someone invent a mod downloading guide for total idiots? In plain English, will be playing Witcher 3 untill I can figure out all this crap, now I have to uninstall Skyrim, all the mods, some loot program I installed, wtf is going on lol.

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Thanks, but damn, What a fkin s*** community with all these fkin mods and updates and se this piss se that, copy paste this into your ass, my ass, rename this, back up this, put this mod over this, analyze this, loot order that, uncheck this, do check that, fk my skull from the left, right, wtf is going on, just wanted to play a fkin game with a few mods. Just looked at that guy's videos and it made everything worse............Maybe I should c** on my pc that might help too

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Unfortunately, due to the way mods interact with Skyrim, if you want a truly stable game with mods you're going to have to put some time and effort into it, and not a small amount. But it's certainly possible - I, for example, have almost 700 mods in my current game, and it never crashes even after hours of play.


My advice is to set aside a block of free time to learn about standard modding procedures. It'll take effort, but if you follow tutorials like GamerPoets and Gopher on youtube, as well as the excellent guides written by some senior community members here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/1482109512314623696/


There's some serious reading to be done, but the thing is you don't have to memorize it all. Just get the basics, and refer back to the docs whenever you're confused.


If that sounds like too much, then I recommend following a mod guide like this one:


With something like that you don't have to understand what they're saying. Just clear your brain and follow their directions.

I use that guide above for the base of my modlist. Honestly, if you follow that guide, which will take probably 2-3 hours (with most time spent waiting on downloading and installing), and promptly forget everything about it, you'll have a great experience without too much hassle.

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