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Forum attitude


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Is there anything in the rules that I missed about poster decorum concerning just plain having a bad attitude? There are a few posters I've noticed that don't necessarily violate any clear cut rules that I could see, but everyone of their posts rags on a certain game, or another treats every discussion as if it's a game to win and not a conversation.


I can remedy it by putting them on my ignore list and have, but I just don't understand the mindset of someone who comes to a board about a game just to rag on it in every post or to constantly ram their opinions down people's throats over and over again because they can't let it go or won't concede someone else might have a point.

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Ignore them and they'll stop, anyway if you like game why care what others think?


I did put them on my ignore list and I will continue to do so, but it gets old listening to someone put down the game that we're all here because we supposedly enjoy playing or modding. It's almost a form of trolling when every post they make is something negative. I feel like it doesn't fit the intentions of a message board, but that's my opinion. When a site is made dedicated to a game (or game(s)), to just show up and trash it doesn't seem like that's within the spirit of the site.

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You might consider reporting the comments they make as upon moderator evaluation the comments might be considered spam and tossed out or the user may be warned via pm to lay off. I can't say what exactly would happen but this is just an idea. If you see it and you are questionable about it, it doesn't hurt to bring it to the moderation team's attention. There are no repercussions for you either way as long as you are following the rules.
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There are those in this world that think the inet is there own playground and they do enjoy fishing and trolling said waters just to get a rise and/or other knee-jerk comments out of others ;)


Not saying it is good nor bad behavoir as it depends on your point of view.


I do get tired of folks doing this too wondering why they themselves just don't move on to some other gaming forum, but chances are they do this to all the gaming forums they are members of so I bet this is just normal behavior for them.


Just remember that humans are funny creatures, they can act in many strange and bizarre ways, the inet proves that to be true.

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It's also worth remembering this is a modding site, not a fan site. Personally I don't think Bethesda has made a decent game since Morrowind, it's the mods that make the games good, that's why I'm here and not over on the official forums.
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It's also worth remembering this is a modding site, not a fan site. Personally I don't think Bethesda has made a decent game since Morrowind, it's the mods that make the games good, that's why I'm here and not over on the official forums.


Well exactly...me too jim_uk


It's also worth remembering this is a modding site, not a fan site.


Huh. And here I was under the impression it was both. Lets see how those mods turn out without the game itself.


And herein lies the problem. Since Skyrim there has been a tendency to label anyone who criticises the game in any way, shape or form to be labelled a troll, or as having an attitude problem. I have mentioned this before and I am going to mention it again. The manager of my local games store and his colleagues at other branches will tell you that forget the initial spike in sales to the consolers for Beth games, what keeps them going year on year and generating ongoing sales are the PC gamers and their mods. This guy often has to order in Morrowind for the diehards even now. (Yes there are some people who don't like buying online and especially not through Steam....).


This is a modding site and not a fan site. So you are going to have to accept that there are those of us who will occasionally call it like we feel it is and do not blindly worship at Beth's feet. That doesn't make it trolling.


After all, trolling can also come from the unquestioning fanpersons.

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I loved Morrowind, even with some of its issues. Oblivion, I played for about 45 minutes initially, and then left it for over two years, as I didn't care for what beth had done to the game. After some of the major overhauls came out, I got back in to Oblivion, and still enjoy playing it. (full FCOM install. plus others....) Skyrim? I REALLY don't care for the direction it has gone. Even further than Oblivion. I am not sure mods are even going to get me back into it. It just isn't the game that Morrowind was. It this trend continues, I won't even bother with TESVI.....


Not everyone likes every game in a series, or even from the same publisher. As I see it, Beth has gone completely corporate, and profit is the only motive at this point. The put lots of nice bright shineys into the game, to attract the casual crowd, but, remove what, to ME, made the games good. Morrowind was an RPG. Oblivion was an action adventure game with heavy RPG elements. Skyrim is an action game with some RPG influence. See the trend? Doesn't bode well for the next iteration of Elder Scrolls.

Edited by HeyYou
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And herein lies the problem. Since Skyrim there has been a tendency to label anyone who criticises the game in any way, shape or form to be labelled a troll, or as having an attitude problem. I have mentioned this before and I am going to mention it again. The manager of my local games store and his colleagues at other branches will tell you that forget the initial spike in sales to the consolers for Beth games, what keeps them going year on year and generating ongoing sales are the PC gamers and their mods. This guy often has to order in Morrowind for the diehards even now. (Yes there are some people who don't like buying online and especially not through Steam....).


This is a modding site and not a fan site. So you are going to have to accept that there are those of us who will occasionally call it like we feel it is and do not blindly worship at Beth's feet. That doesn't make it trolling.


After all, trolling can also come from the unquestioning fanpersons.




Very well put.

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