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Does Vortex's 'check for mod updates' actually work?


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Let me preface this question by saying that I'm definitely speaking from a place of ignorance. I haven't had any problems running Vortex, now that I found out how to manually set my load order, but I only play Fallout (the game I'm modding with Vortex, obviously) once or twice a week sometimes. So every time I want to play it, I always use the "search for updates" function first and it's yet to find any updates.


I understand that it could just be the mods I'm using aren't getting updated, but it's a little hard to believe that not even one of them has been.

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Alright, thanks guys. x3 I just wanted to make sure because so many other games force the idea that you should check and update your mods constantly that it just seemed unlikely to me that none of my mods have had updates.


But I'll take your word for it!


If you have advanced mode turned on SETTINGS----->INTERFACE------>Enable Advanced Mode


You'll see a "Check for Mod updates" button in the top menu in the MODS tab, just press that and it will check

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