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When can you be considered rich?


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@ PharmakosChroster - Your death and destruction declaration is amusing. Just like the occupation at the market I described. Peacefull change was never on the agenda. A Jarl that governs by fear will neither have the love, respect or the backing of the kingdom. When you run your kingdom by fear and oppresion, when the freebies run out, you will get your chaos. I gaurantee if you are not on the top rung of the anrachy ladder, you too will be swallowed up by the new machine. From reading your previous posts, I see you are quite and in depth thinking person. Do you not think these people in the market causing the trouble are not puppets? Tools to be consumed and discarded as waste. As citizens in this kingdom, you can chose to not be led like a pig by a nose ring. You can think for yourself and become what you strive for. Things are not perfect in this kingdom, how much worse will it be when there is no law governing the whole of the realm?


To talk about the Dovah's destructive path is nonsense. Fair wages in a free market is what governs how much monetary compensation a merchant can offer the workers he has hired. Fair market is not what you want, its what society deems an item is worth, be it sword, vestment, or abode. If you don't like how much you are offered, you have the option to not sell it or take your trade to another village. That is your choice, not a conscripted law. If you opt to take a low wage to work as a servant, that is also a choice. You are not bound to stay there. Life in Skyrim is not easy, But anyone who calls themself an adventurer can take an arrow in the knee. Its not the Dovahkiins fault you fell on hard times. pick yourself up, stop having a pity party, and move forward. You don't have to forget you were beaten up outside of Markarth, but don't dwell on it. Learn from it and move on.


The forsworn comparitive threat that you speak of is nothing. It is a fear tactic. a lot of citizens in good standing also carry swords. Villages across skyrim are capable and will push back these agressors. If a war broke out between kingdoms, it would not be a pretty ENB lanscape, but it will not last. As a history buff, you should know this. People who speak in fear and threats make me giggle. Because I find humor in the what if's about declarations of hate and anarchy, does not mean that I am not prepared. I love my beloved Skyrim and will defend as I can if this movement comes to my hold. My sword is sharp. My armor is at hand. My friends and fellow villagers, also, are many.

Edited by Brandy_123
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Oh Brandy, I very much fear you are mistaken. About a lot of things. "The market" does not determine how the people of Skyrim live. The people of Skyrim do. And the people of Skyrim are getting tired of being relentlessly ransacked by a tiny number of "adventurers" like the Dovahkiin who believe that because they have the biggest swords, they can take what they wish and kill whom they please. For a very long time, the jarls have protected the adventurers, and anyone who dared to stand up to the adventurers were thrown in the dungeon or had their heads cut off in the public square or were quietly made to disappear by the Dark Brotherhood. But you see, Brandy, the Dovahkiin and his fellow adventurers have robbed and pillaged so many people, so many towns and villages, that there are increasingly large numbers of people across Skyrim going to bed with empty bellies. They are being forced to work the mines and fish the lakes ever longer hours just to get repeatedly pillaged by the Dovahkiin. When hard-working farmers and fishermen beg the Dovahkiin not to steal any more septims from them, that their children are hungry and their cottages are shabby, the Dovahkiin just laughs and says, "Then why do you not buy a suit of ebony armour and a daedric axe like I do, and slay yourself a dragon?"


And, Brandy, I am very much afraid for the future of Skyrim. I am afraid because the Dovahkiin and the other adventurers and the jarls who support them don't seem to recognize one very important fact, a fact elucidated upon by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: “You can have power over people as long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power.” The Dovahkiin has become accustomed to getting his way, but lately he's found a surprising number of people are refusing to just hand over their septims. He's having to actually chop people up with his sword to get their dwindling septims, and townsfolk are starting to glare angrilly at him when he thunders through town covered in the blood of their neighbours. I am afraid for Skyrim because in his arrogance and stupidity, the Dovahkiin doesn't realize that he is aggroing the entire land. The Dovahkiin may murder thousands, and the rivers will run red with blood and fire, but the aggro he has built up is limitless. One angry farmer with a pickaxe isn't a threat, but a thousand are. The ordinary people of Skyrim have begun to organize, and when they finally begin to move, all those big, expensive, treasure-filled houses the Dovahkiin has purchased are going to be nothing more than treasure chests for the people to loot when they've killed the final boss.


I am not at all concerned that the Dovahkiin will murder thousands before he's brought down. The people of Skyrim have faced worse and survived. What makes me concerned is that the people will earn all too much experience in all the wrong skill trees from their struggle, skills which will make them better at casting firebolts and swinging axes than doing anything productive, and that they will feel the need to keep on using these skills even after the threat is gone. That is the terrible legacy that the greedy, vicious, arrogant Dovahkiin will leave behind when history sweeps his broken body into the trash where he belongs.

Edited by PharmakosChroster
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PharmakosChroster , What your patronization speaks of may be your game style, for you're Dovahkiin. In your own mind you see this as righteous. It is still hate and discontent. The average farmer is not on the uprise. Contrary, I speak of this with conviction, and knowledge. Before I was an adventurer, I worked on a farm, A family owned farm. I do know what farmers are thinking. You constantly speak of fear and hostilitly with a dark omenous overtone. If you bring that to your game, your skyrim will perish as you desparately hope for, probably as you have envisioned. The farmers of the Skyrim I belong to will unite. Infact, it is those same farmers that will be the backbone that ultimately prevent the overflow of vileness from the denizens of a gamestyle marketplace, such as yours.


This is my last post under this topic. Say what you will about your game world. Elect to live in the dark and spread the malice play style you have elected to adhere to in your Skyrim world. Your game seems to have mod conflicts and all I fear about your world is that damage has been done to your game files. There is little help for your present load order. Maybe if you reload your entire game, it might be better next time around. I certainly am glad to have had this conversation. :o)


Good luck in your world!!


((( PharmakosChroster )))

Edited by Brandy_123
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