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Strategies for spellmaking


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Hi, I have found very useful custom spells such as "Fire Damage + Fire Weakness + Magic Weakness", I have no fear of zombies no mores XD.

While I was mixing spells up and doing some research, I found one spell that uses I think Burden or Drain Speed to inmobilize enemies.

So my question is, what's the best spell (cheapest, fastest, most effective, best effects, etc.) from the ones that could inmobilize an enemy?

* Drain Speed

* Drain Fatigue

* Burden

* Paralyze

The Spell I'm trying to make is "La Ira del Dios Zeus" (Zeus' Rage something like that) that consists of Shock Damage + Shock Weakness + Magic Weakness + Light + one from above. I thought about Paralyze because of Shock effects but it cost too much magicka.


Any Recommendations? Thanks in advance!


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Paralyze is HIGHLY efficient, but, rather costly.


My personal favorite is Absorb Health, on a ring, with as large an area of effect as you can manage, and still have it drain sufficient health, that it will kill most things relatively quickly. You simply stroll thru the dungeon, and everything within range slowly (quickly?) dies. Take it off before you go into town though. :D

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Oh, how do you enchanth a ring with "Absorb Health"? I can't do it in the Chironasium o_o

Yeah, I'd rather not using Paralyze and add another spel... idk, Drain Speed seems ok

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"On a ring" means "within a certain range" so you absorb many enemies' health simultaneously.


To paralyse an enemy wearing a heavy armor you can also use drain force spells or, for a permanent effect damage strength poisons. You can do the same on creatures using damage speed poisons.

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My personal go-to is Drain Fatigue + Damage Fatigue + Weakness to Magic. You start off hitting them with a couple of hits of a Weakness to Magic 100% (which is relatively cheap to cast) and then the Drain + Damage + Weakness spell. Drain is the cheapest but when the timer runs out they are back to full fatigue.


That's where the Damage Fatigue comes in. Balance the amount and duration such that you can make a couple of casts before running out of Magicka. The Weakness to Magic effect stacks so make sure your initial pure Weakness to Magic has at least a 5 second duration (so those two casts give you 200% Weakness to Magic on the target). Keep the Weakness to magic to 1 or 2 seconds longer than the duration of the Damage Fatigue part of your main spell. The Drain fatigue can be a bit shorter duration than the Damage fatigue part or equal ... it's just there to help quickly disable the target (so for me it's always a max amount of drain and adjust duration to tweak casting cost).


I always have a supply of the strongest Restore Magicka potions I can make. Chug one of those as soon as you are done your first couple of casts unless you have the luxury of space and time to avoid/parry an opponent's attacks while your Magicka regenerates.


I have two versions of the main Drain+Damage+Weakness spell ... one on target version to get them on the ground and one on touch for once they're down (on touch is cheaper to cast so I can bump up the strength).


A note about duration ... Weakness to Magic is the only effect that stacks with successive casts so don't make the duration of Damage or Drain effects any longer than the time you need between casts (the timer on Damage and Drain reset on each hit). I use a bit longer duration for the on target version as I'll be dancing around while casting (I also use a small area for the effect to make for fewer misses). The on touch version uses short durations as the target is already disabled and I dispense with Drain Fatigue altogether (so it is only Damage Fatigue).


I can have a bandit on the ground and completely helpless in no more than four casts. Marauders have a bit more fatigue so they'll sometimes take four or five casts ... all without taking a single hit myself.

Edited by Striker879
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Ok, I've learned quite some good things today. I found this spell I called "Slaughter house" (I think I should rename it to "Wrath of Sithis" since I saw that wraith after killing some dark brotherhood NPCs, because I was bored).

You simply wait till night and sneak into house. Look for the sleeping beauty and start casting this spell. It consists of Invisibility + Elemental Damage + Weakness to that Element + Weakness to magic. Duration of each spell should be long enough to let you cast another one, I'm aware that Elemental damage should last 1 sec.

And the whole combo shouldn't cost more than 50 (which is possible, even 70 is fine to kill something casting the spell twice).


So when hitting the NPC he can't see you due to Invisibility and won't shout "Assault!". Also it's important he's unable to move as it'll start running till it finds a guard (even if the NPc is a guard itself).

I used Borissean as a test subject and also killed a Mage Apprentice in the same room, to get rid of witnesses for the sake of roleplay :tongue:

Gaspar fleed away though, so I think imma add Burden or Drain Fatigue to experiment further.

SUggestions for names are also welcome since I'm bad with names (and IDK where to steal them from) .

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