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Mod does not work ... Why?


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I downloaded Idle Animation Fix https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45231 . Trying to install it according to the instructions of the file "Readme" - in \Morrowind \ Data Files \ Meshes \, but it does not work in the game. NPCs do not fall into place. I have no files in the \ Meshes folder with the extension "kf", only "NIF", "nif". Also in my \ Meshes folder there are 4 more directories - A, f, M, R. So where to install "xbase_anim.kf (2628kv)" and "xbase_anim_female.kf (56kv)"? How to make the plugin work? Sorry, for my English, I use Google Translator.......

Edited by MaraBuBU
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Directly in the meshes folder.

Sorry, not working. The characters did not return to their seats. Silt Strider in Balmora did not climb up to its place. Standing in the woods, where he fell. The mod did not lift it up, did not even put it in the center - down, as the command "ra" through the console.

Edited by MaraBuBU
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You don't need to start a new game. You will need to use the RA console command whenever you see an NPC who's been affected by the bug. I think most NPCs should reset to their original position if you haven't visited them in 72 hours. Those you've interacted with (e.g. sold items to etc.) may not. So I'd say keep your current game, keep the mod installed and use RA whenever you're in a cell with NPCs who seem to have moved.
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You don't need to start a new game. You will need to use the RA console command whenever you see an NPC who's been affected by the bug. I think most NPCs should reset to their original position if you haven't visited them in 72 hours. Those you've interacted with (e.g. sold items to etc.) may not. So I'd say keep your current game, keep the mod installed and use RA whenever you're in a cell with NPCs who seem to have moved.

Thank you so much Dragon32! I doubt that I myself would be able to understand the working principle of this Mod. I did everything as you wrote, and now I will monitor the situation)))

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