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The most important man in Skyrim .


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One of the most strange things I noticed ingame (and I somehow liked it) is that I can be the arch-mage of the college , the leader of the companions , the leader/rebuilder/listener of the dark brotherhood , the leader of the thieves guild (and nightingales if Karliah had a little accident :P) , the legate of the Imperial Legion and the Thane of so many Holds . Not to mention the fact that you saved the world .


With all that epicness , I start to wonder if there is a secret code to become the High King of Skyrim (kidding) or even the Emperor (kidding more) . Unfortunately I don't have an XBOX 360 and haven't played Dawnguard . But my guess is that something epic exists there as well .


Now , I won't judge Bethesda for not trying , as the developers did try somehow to make the achievements of the players known (guards commenting , people thanking , etc) , but I would really like more depth .


For example , imagine you become all of the above . You clearly are the most important and powerful man in skyrim . Even the high King can not match that influence . It would be nice to see the people thanking you for your kindness or running away at their homes and locking the doors when you set foot at their cities . Bully the shopkeepers and threaten them , or save their shops and become worshiped . However , I do not care that much for the variety of actions as I do for the A.I responding to your actions .


In the end , I think that would be the best buff for immersion possible . Every action , every kill , every quest , every step counts towards the general view .

Edited by DaredevilGR
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Yeah,i would really like to be Emperor.I would begin a war with the Aldmeri Dominion.

When i begin playing Skyrim,i wondered if in the final, we would be,at least,the High King of Skyrim,but no,The High King(or Queen if you join the Empire)will be Ulfric Stormcloak(Or Elisif)!

Skyrim lacks on immersion,you can kill all the citizen of a city and the other will treat you of the same way.

If they create a DLC which we become High King of Skyrim(or even Emperor)instead of this Vampire Lord thing,it would be better.It's cool,i know.but what do you prefer?Be a Vampire Lord,or High King of Skyrim(or even Emperor)?

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The most important person in Skyrim is actually Maven Black-Briar, since she single-handedly has her hand on the pulse of the Nord nation - mead.


Dragons, schmagons - try tackling an entire Skyrim nation in drydock. :whistling:

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The most important person in Skyrim is actually Maven Black-Briar, since she single-handedly has her hand on the pulse of the Nord nation - mead.


Dragons, schmagons - try tackling an entire Skyrim nation in drydock. :whistling:

But Maven Black-Briar had a little "accident" with my console that turn her non-essential :whistling: .So,Dovahkiin is the most important person in Skyrim.

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Perhaps a little chat with Argeir would clear up this issue.


Long has the Stormcrown languished, with no worthy brow to sit upon. By our breath we bestow it now to you in the name of Kyne, in the name of Shor, and in the name of Atmora of Old. You are Ysmir now, the Dragon of the North, hearken to it.


see http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Horn_of_Jurgen_Windcaller

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Actually Bethesda does the stories in the way that they do because they cant allow people to make any real change because mentioning it in future games would set a "canon" event to it and invalidate what choices the player does make.


The half-man, half-god heroes gives them the perfect backdrop to create a character that becomes so famous and powerful that stories of him are spread everywhere causing a whole bunch of myths and legends to be formed about them while the truth is lost more and more through each re-telling.

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They can't write the player into history for the simple reason that some players do not chose to play certain questlines such as the evil ones or maybe others. I mean, I'm sure everyone who played Oblivion became The Hero of Kovach, but do you ever hear about him? No, because maybe someone chose not to do the main quest. Making the player into the Emperor would be too hard to dismiss from the history books, so I agree with your point that they have to do it like this. Although, after everything I did in Oblivion, the history books are obviously not very realistic at all to not even mention me.
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